The goverment website makevery clear that for questions that do not apply one MUST write N/A. However, there are places where there is no place for N/A, for example section 8 b (continued) asks two options for someone who's parent was born outside Canada. However, there is no option for someone who's parent was born in Canada.I am scared to leave it blank as they made very clear that by leaving a section blank the application will be returned. what should I do?
Please open up the link and see if it is the same application form that you are filling..
Please see if it is the same form that we both are seeing and also referring to..: Do you see all of these written along side of it and if you do please follow everything that say. See if it gets filled in the column below and also satisfies their requirements. That should complete the answer to that question.
CIT 0001 (04-2016) E 8B
1) If the applicant's parent was born outside Canada, was one his/her parents (i.e. one of the Applicant's grandparents) a Canadian citizen at the time of his/her birth?
2) If the applicant's parent was born outside Canada, was one of his/her parents (i.e. one of the Applicant's grandparents) employed outside Canada as a Crown servant (in or with the Canadian Armed Forces, the federal public administration or the public service of a province or territory other than as a locally engaged person) at the time of the applicant's parent's birth or adoption?
If yes, to either question, complete the information below.......
Hope this help you in filling in the form below.
Document Check List.. :
Originally posted by zvib
The goverment website makevery clear that for questions that do not apply one MUST write N/A. However, there are places where there is no place for N/A, for example section 8 b (continued) asks two options for someone who's parent was born outside Canada. However, there is no option for someone who's parent was born in Canada.I am scared to leave it blank as they made very clear that by leaving a section blank the application will be returned. what should I do?
you didn't answer my question. The applicant's parents were born in Canada. There is no place to answer this question. I should probably leave it blank. However, they warn on their website not to leave anything blank. One must write N/a if it doesn't apply. However, there is no place to write N/A. What should I do.
I hope that this is clear.
In 8a they ask about "A" Parent. I think it is about the applicants Parent. If they were born in Canada. You have answered it in the affirmative. That should suffice.
Canada has been vigilant and kept watch over its coast and kept track of all or most of the Immigrants who strayed into Canada. Most of them entered into Canada by SEA all these years as it was the only mode for a very long time.
Now with airlines flying in and bringing them in, they have kept a watch over them through the Manifests that get submitted to the CBSA. (They also watch the movements too, ie., In/OUT too) So they know who is still here in Canada and where!
In short, Once a person enters into Canada, unless S/he was born here, they are tracked after their arrival and it goes without saying. Also people who are born here were tracked from the young age through innumerable ways and with what little information you provide to them here, they can bring his/her life history currently and in most cases with proper pictures and documentation also.
So, did you answer YES to that query and give just a little bit of information that they ask for?, if yes, then they know who you are referring to and, now they also know who you are!
Many a times I just let you fill out the application in total. If you do, that is all it calls for. You have done that. That satisfies me. And who am I? You don't want to know!!
In one of the queries posted by another person, when he provides me with just a touch of information, such as an MBA, and then an MBA who has defaulted on his payments to the Educational Loans availed, then who LEFT Canada and is currently in Dubai, etc., each additional information that gets provided, narrows it to one or two individuals and with the CBSA tracking system we are not only able to pick up all or most of his/her personal details, we can even bring up a PICTURE and his current location also through cross referencing with the SECURITY systems that are made available to us. And of course to you too and if you know how to get an access to it. And yet I do not know who the poster is! But can I find out more about him too? YES! He will be here in Canada and he will be selling his house and then leaving Canada. It gets narrowed down. Then the search starts. Till then, I just sit tight. There is NO MORE Privacy in this world!!! fh.
Originally posted by zvib
you didn't answer my question. The applicant's parents were born in Canada. There is no place to answer this question. I should probably leave it blank. However, they warn on their website not to leave anything blank. One must write N/a if it doesn't apply. However, there is no place to write N/A. What should I do.
I hope that this is clear.
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