I have a question in regards to Citizenship Application to the form CIT0002 language evidence 15 (a)Proof of knowledge English or French.
Myself Primary applicant and wrote the IELTS scored 6+ during our PR process which was 5 years ago, will the Spouse also require to write the test? or there is no need as Spouse is dependent applicant? As she done her Bachelors abroad can we attached her certificates copies enough? Please advise.
May I know your feedback please about my last post?
If you are applying for citizenship - there is no primary/dependent. Each individual is independent applicant.
Please review the above link and see if you can find your answers there.
the link is not helpful and still not clear do advise if Spouse is require to proof the language results?
Anyone who studied here in Canada and Obtained a Degree within CANADA should be EXEMPT from the CLB Levels they are looking for.
For others, there are classes available to attend and obtain the competency.
Originally posted by sol4u
I have a question in regards to Citizenship Application to the form CIT0002 language evidence 15 (a)Proof of knowledge English or French.
Myself Primary applicant and wrote the IELTS scored 6+ during our PR process which was 5 years ago, will the Spouse also require to write the test? or there is no need as Spouse is dependent applicant? As she done her Bachelors abroad can we attached her certificates copies enough? Please advise.
Originally posted by sol4u
the link is not helpful and still not clear do advise if Spouse is require to proof the language results?
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