I have just bought a house and will be moving into it next week.
I have made a list of names who should be informed of the address change as under:
1. All Banks
2. Credit Cards companies
3. Driving Licence
4. Health Card
5. HRDC (since I am on UI right now!)
6. Citizenship office (since my citizenship application is pending)
Can anyone suggest any other important government or non- government body that I should or am required to inform of the address change?
Advice is free – lessons I charge for!!
Online stuff for changing addresses.
For Driver's License Change of address:
For Vehicle Change of address:
For citizenship application change of address:
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency:
I changed my OHIP address using internet, but it seems it is not available now.
You might already knowing this, but post canada can divert your mails to new address for six months. The charge is $33 plus taxes.
You also have to change addresses for insurance companies, phone (naturally), cable, cell phone, your professional organizations etc.
A Proud Indian Canadian
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