First of all I would like to thank CD and all users who are helping other people.
I would like to know how much time it takes at Port of Entry for applying PR Card and doing other formalities? I have got my CPR and and I have time till Dec'04 to visit canada and apply for PR Card. I am currently in USA and I would like to stay here atleast for 8 months.
(i) Can I complete this procedure within a day ?
(ii) What documents I would require other than CPR/Passport/proof of funds ?
(iii) Do I need to give only Canadian address in my PR Card application ? Also what else I should be doing while I am there ? (Which would not be more than 4- 5 hrs in canada)
1. You don't need to apply for PR card. The immigration officer will ask u to sign the COPR and provide an address in Canada. The PR card is mailed to the address. Both at the immigration and Customs together, it took 30 minutes at the Niagara Falls bridge.
2.List of Goods to follow and if it is needed, the list of goods what u are carrying now.
3. You should provide an address in Canada. You can apply for SIN number.
Thanks Raajen for yor reply.
Would this cause any problem as I am coming back from Canada on the same day ? Can they cancel my PR status in this case ?
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