Orginally posted by jake3d
Orginally posted by chandresh
And I am extremely grateful to my father who did not let us develop the IMM and for educating us to treat all human being as equal.
Your Dad was a wise man. It feels wierd to hear desis talking about ''servants''.
The dictionary says that a ''servant'' is:
One who is privately employed to perform domestic services.
One who is publicly employed to perform services, as for a government.
One who expresses submission, recognizance, or debt to another: your obedient servant
Most affluent desis(unlike Chandreshs family) seem to use the term in the context of the last definition.
I am deviating from the topic to highlight a pet peeve
Can the Feminists explain why Goris have to earn for themselves.Is it freedom or compulsion ...especially with working culture of north america.
To clarify, I take the so called liberty here as a need to earn because all are considered equal and no dpendency is accepted.
Now , I think it is just a matter of choice if one wants to go out and earn for herself, or just enjoy at home , kitties and pure fun.
By the way do we have somebody who would wait with fresh face in the evening .... take the bag from the hands as soon as the breadearner arrives! I would love it.. My wife would love it more!!
trying to find real persons
This discussion thread seems to be on different topics related to genders..but I just wanted to put in my 2 cents
I have married a man from India (though I was born in Canada) and I dont find he has an IMM We celebrate Karva Chaut every year - we both fast together (we both work outside the home as well).
My mother in law lives with us. When we have company over we tell her to sit and relax and both of us will do the food prep/getting chai and serving the guests.
I dont know first hand how the situation is in India today, however in our home, \"tauliya laado' is something I'll ask him and he'll ask me. Same for Chai, paani, dinner etc. My Mother in law doesnt comment or disapprove.
Jago_desi: Though you have seen members of the 'fairer sex' waiting for their rides at subway spots etc, I believe it might be to transportation logistics rather than 'equality' issues. Its hard to generalize but if a couple only has one vehicle..it may make more sense for one person to drive..or depending where the job is etc.
Chandresh: if you assume women are better at making chai, or cooking then your questions make sense. If hubby makes tea i appreciate it anyway.. I think both spouses have to remember they are in a partnership and each has a role in the relationship.
Thanks for the stimulating discussion thread!
~ Morning rain
Orginally posted by morning_rain
This discussion thread seems to be on different topics related to genders..but I just wanted to put in my 2 cents
I have married a man from India (though I was born in Canada) and I dont find he has an IMM We celebrate Karva Chaut every year - we both fast together (we both work outside the home as well).
My mother in law lives with us. When we have company over we tell her to sit and relax and both of us will do the food prep/getting chai and serving the guests.
I dont know first hand how the situation is in India today, however in our home, \\\"tauliya laado' is something I'll ask him and he'll ask me. Same for Chai, paani, dinner etc. My Mother in law doesnt comment or disapprove.
Jago_desi: Though you have seen members of the 'fairer sex' waiting for their rides at subway spots etc, I believe it might be to transportation logistics rather than 'equality' issues. Its hard to generalize but if a couple only has one vehicle..it may make more sense for one person to drive..or depending where the job is etc.
Chandresh: if you assume women are better at making chai, or cooking then your questions make sense. If hubby makes tea i appreciate it anyway.. I think both spouses have to remember they are in a partnership and each has a role in the relationship.
Thanks for the stimulating discussion thread!
Indian Male Mentality:
Sorry guys following post is not to hurt any Desis:
• If you do any work you expect praise even if it was not done as needed.
• You wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
• The world is your urinal.
• Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat with parents after marriage.
• You know all about Universe.
• You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness from your parent than that of your sis.
• If someone forgets to invite you, he or she never remain your friend
• Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
• You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
• You can’t see your toe b’coz of your belly
• You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
• You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
• Your friend’s wife is more beautiful
• Your kids must be made to order to fulfill your fantasy
• Your wife is the most ordinary woman in the world
• You never discuss sex in public, its always your taboo
• You search TV channels in night for A++ while rest of the family in bed.
• You chew beetle leaves to paint the street
• You show emotions in public
• You feel that your honey is no more moon after 2 years of marriage
• You must arrange your siblings marriage
• You are the ruler in your family
• You are proud being Indian if you are NRI
• You always love cricket though your team hardly succeed
• You love spicy , oily food and hate gastric ulcer and cholesterol
• You hate to love and love to hate
• You think you are always right
• You never apologize for a mistake
• You love to watch sports but not to do
• You blame everyone for your fault
New Guy
We can always do better!
Orginally posted by New Guy
Indian Male Mentality:
Sorry guys following post is not to hurt any Desis:
• If you do any work you expect praise even if it was not done as needed.
• You wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
• The world is your urinal.
• Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat with parents after marriage.
• You know all about Universe.
• You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness from your parent than that of your sis.
• If someone forgets to invite you, he or she never remain your friend
• Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
• You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
• You can’t see your toe b’coz of your belly
• You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
• You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
• Your friend’s wife is more beautiful
• Your kids must be made to order to fulfill your fantasy
• Your wife is the most ordinary woman in the world
• You never discuss sex in public, its always your taboo
• You search TV channels in night for A++ while rest of the family in bed.
• You chew beetle leaves to paint the street
• You show emotions in public
• You feel that your honey is no more moon after 2 years of marriage
• You must arrange your siblings marriage
• You are the ruler in your family
• You are proud being Indian if you are NRI
• You always love cricket though your team hardly succeed
• You love spicy , oily food and hate gastric ulcer and cholesterol
• You hate to love and love to hate
• You think you are always right
• You never apologize for a mistake
• You love to watch sports but not to do
• You blame everyone for your fault
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