Hi! Guys
As far as I know EI starts after 900 hours of work. Now this 900 hours of work should be in a single spell or it can have breaks.
Like if a person picks a job temporary or permanent and work on it say for 100 hrs. During this time his taxex will be deducted as he has a SIN .
Now person lost this job and gets another one after say 4/5 days. By this way he completes his 900 hrs say in 10/12 months. Will he be eligibile for EI. or he has to continously be in a job for 900 hrs to get EI.
Kindly Enlighten Me.
Dear Friends,
I have further questions::
1. After one completes 900 hrs (910 hrs) and after that keeps on and off from the job with differnt pay structure. For how long and how much will he be paid in employment insurance??
2. If one gets a high paying job of engineer and become enployed. The he is asked to do a labour job with pay less then that of Engineer's insurance. Can he get both Or the higher (i.e. unemployment allowance)..
3. If after working for 900 hrs one joins university. Will he keep on geting unemployment allowance??
Enjoy Happiness -- Happy from India
I am pleased to answer all your queries on Unemployment Insurance,based on my own experiences.
1. Unemployment Insurance is based on the hours you have worked in the last 12 months immediately preceding the claim for EI. Thus, when you apply for EI, you must already have worked 900 hours in the last 12 months immediately preceding the date of application for EI.
It does not matter if you work with different employers or have different salaries. At the end of each employment,(provided you have not resigned or not left on your own),you will get a Record of Employment showing how much you earned and how many hours you worked.
Based on this, a calculation will be made to determine how much of your salary is insurable earnings. The first $ 39000 of your salary is insurable and above that it is not. Taking into consideration the unemployment rate in the region where you live and work you will be paid an amount approximating 55% of your last earned salary (or) average earned salary in case you have worked for different employers.
Please note if you leave or resign or go to university,you are not eligible for EI. You have to be laid off in order to collect EI.
Hope this answers all the questions.
Sathish Subramanian
Thanx Sathish
Few more Queries
a) This income of $39000 on which EI is calculated is the income before tax or after tax?
b) Is EI taxable?
c) If a person is laid off than he gets an ROE. Does he gets an ROE if resigns?
d) For how long a person can get EI.
Thanx in anticipation
Hi Vivek:
1. The $ 39000 is calculated on gross income (ie) before tax
2.Yes, EI is taxable.However unlike salary, they will not deduct so much tax.It will be adjusted in the Income Tax return at the time of filing IT return.
3.Yes, if you resign, you will get a ROE. The reason for leaving (ie) Resignation will also be mentioned in the ROE. So when you go into the Govt office to claim EI, they will know that it is on account of resignation and reject your claim.
4.Period of claiming EI differs from region to region within the province, within provinces depending on the rate of unemployment and how long you have contributed to the EI system. Generally for huge populated areas like TO, it is generally one year.It can be even more, depending on circumstances which differ from individual to individual.
Hope this answers all your queries.
Sathish Subramanian
Thanx Sathish.
Your replies are indeed helpfull.
As far as i know you do NOT get EI if you resign or are fired.
EI covers you against involuantary loss of job, not when you leave it.
Period of claiming is based on number of hours you put in AND if and when you used EI before.
And no its not a year, it is generally about 4-4.5 months but for someone who has worked for two years continuously, it can be as long as 11 months.
You get about 55% of your salary.
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