Hi All,
I'm sure that most of you who have worked in the US are familiar with the one of the Biggest Scams in history currently being run by the US Social Security Administration, the "Tax Payn' No Gain" for h1b pros.
My questions is, if somebody has worked on H1b for say 4 years and moves to Canada as a PR, do they lose their Social Security credits earned in the US or can they transfer them to the Canadian version of the Social Security system? Do they have an option to "encash" these credits?
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u will benefit from those 4 years of working in US. You will get a certain part of social security when you turn 69 as canada has a treaty with US but if you went to India , you would lose them
We will find a way or we will make one
Follow the link
to understand Social Security agreement between Canada and USA.
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