I just took my Citizenship test and I was wondering if any one had experienced how long between the day they take the test and when they are called back for an oath?
You will get notice for oath in 5 weeks.
Orginally posted by arifiano
I just took my Citizenship test and I was wondering if any one had experienced how long between the day they take the test and when they are called back for an oath?
To Missassauga
From test to oath, I waited 8 days.
Test: May 18
Oath: May 26
From test to oath, I waited 8 days.
Test: May 18
Oath: May 26
When did you apply your citizenship application?
Can you please send me your timelines?
applied ...?
ack received ....?
Process started ....?
File transferred....?
Test date.....?
Oath date......?
You information will grately help me figure out my tentative travel plans.
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