Started by Massood, All records      Last Week   Last Month    Last Year   

Topic Forum Author Views Replies Last Action
Massood's plea to CDs: Please DO NOT send me private messages on canadiandesi
Ask Immigration Expert 3497 1
Poll: Are you willing to pay a nominal fee? ( 1 2 3 4 )
Ask Immigration Expert 6272 22
Abandoned brides: WEDDING WOES
Ask Immigration Expert 17249 0
Massood away until April 2, 2005 ( 1 2 )
Ask Immigration Expert 2406 9
Science & Technology 2001 5
I will be in India June 24 to July 9, 2004 ( 1 2 3 )
Ask Immigration Expert 3848 16
Now, Canada beckons Indians
Ask Immigration Expert 1746 0
The Canadian Immigrant Magazine
News and Events 1505 0
I'm back ( 1 2 )
Ask Immigration Expert 3224 11
Farmers ( 1 2 3 )
Business Class 6641 18
I'll be away 1st March to 7th April 2004
Ask Immigration Expert 2114 5
Independent Category 2692 8
Ask Immigration Expert 1981 6
Critical help required
Ask Immigration Expert 1408 0
Article of interest
Life 1988 1
No Private message Pleeeeeaaaaaaaase !!!
Ask Immigration Expert 1388 0
NEW PASS MARK IS NOW 67: Excellent news !!! ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
Independent Category 9203 30
New Minister of Immigration appointed on 12 December 2003
Ask Immigration Expert 1729 0
News Alert
Ask Immigration Expert 1699 1
Watch the Passmark !!!
Independent Category 2581 2
< [ 1 ] [ 2 ] >
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