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Rahat M   
Member since: Sep 05
Posts: 18

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-09-05 04:03:59

I do not mean to offend people of any caste or religion, it’s only jokes so enjoy.

>***Gujju Jokes:***

>Why does the Gujju go to London?
>To see his Big Ben.
>Why did the visitor to the Gujju home run away when he was offered
>Because the Gujju said he would serve snakes with it.
>What is a Gujju picnic called?
>A snake in the grass.
>Why did the American get scared of the Gujju?
>Because he said 'Sue kare chhe.'
>What did the Gujju! mean when he said," Maro dikro STATES ma gayon?"
>His son failed in statistics.
>Maro dikro Dubai gayo?
>My son drowned.
>Which programs do gujjus couples love to watch on tv?
>(Baywatch, Be in gujju is 2)
>What do you call a knee less gujju ?
>Nilesh (Pronounced Nee-Less)

>***Tamil Jokes:***

>Whats the opposite of Gopalakrishnan?

>What is the opposite of Subramnium Swamy?
>Subramanium Didn't See Me.
>How do they start a road race in Tamil Nadu?
>What do you call a really colourful Tamilian?
>Rangamannar Rangarajan.

>****Malayalee Jokes:****

>What do you call an amazing Malayalee?
>Pheno Menon.
>What do you call a dashing Malayalee?
>Debo Nair.
>Why did the Malayalee cross the road?
>To join the trade union on the other side.

>***Sindhi Jokes:***

>Why are a Sindhis nostrils big?
>Because air is free.
>What do you call a god fearing Sindhi?
>Bhagwandas Godwani.

>A Sindhi painter?
>A Sindhi chef?
>Papadmull Kukreja.
>A Sindhi electrician?
>Voltram Bijlani.
>A Sindhi milkman?
>Gopal Dudeja.
>A Sindhi pest control contractor?
>Khatmull Marwani.
>A Sindhi casanova?
>Prem Kissinchandani.
>A Sindhi fire-engine?
>A Sindhi detergent?
>Neelam Rin-dani.
>A Sindhi postman?
>A communist Sindhi?
>Karl Lal-wani.
>A fashionable Sindhi?
>Jogio Armani or Primlani.
>A heroic Sindhi soldier?
>Hiroo Sipahimalani.
>A forgetful Sindhi?
>Bhulo Bhulchandani.
>A fat Sindhi?
>A downtrodden Sindhi?
>A corrupt Sindhi?
>A Sindhi fly?
>A Sindhi who falls from the 1st floor?
>A Sindhi who falls from the 10th floor?
>A Sindhi who falls from the 25th floor?

>*** Bengali Jokes:***

>An outlawed Bengali?
>Kanoon Banerjee.
>An enlightened Bengali?
>Jyoti Basu.
>Bengali who works?
>A work of fiction.
>A stupid Bengali girl?
>Balika Buddhu.
>A Bengali marriage?
>A mad Bengali?
>In Sen.
>A dark Bengali who lives in a cave?
>Kalidas Guha.
>A Bengali mobster?
>Robin Ganguli

*****Sardar Jokes******

A sardar on an interview for the post of detective was asked a question
Interviewer - Who killed Gandhiji ?
Sardar - Thanks for giving me the job, I will investigate.

A Sardar was fond of detective novels, he always read from the middle, why?
Its double interesting. It builds curiosity not only about its end but also
its beginning !

2 Days of Powercut in India made life miserable. Worst affected was
Amritsar where all the SARDARS were stuck for 48 hrs. on Escalaters.....

Two Sardars are driving a Car, one puts on the indicator and asks the other
to check whether it is working.
He puts his head out and says - YES..NO..YES..NO..YES..NO

Banta : Oye to har SMS ko do baar kyom bhej raha hai ?
Santa : Kyunki tujhe agar ek forward karna ho to dusra tere paas rahe !!!

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