How true are these facts about alberta!

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Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 508

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-07-06 09:00:27

Some one forwarded me a couple of things about alberta and I dont believe all is true. I think it has been exaggerated but would like to know from people who are there and can support or refute the claims.

* Current wages at Tim Hortons in Calgary and Edmonton area is $21.00 per
hour on day shift. Some stores in Edmonton area are now closing at night
because they can't get people to work nights at these daytime levels.
* Houses that go up for sale are often listed with no starting price because
almost all real estate goes immediately to bidding wars.
* Truckers with off road experience are starting at $60 per hour, but only 1
job out of every 5 available is filled.
* If you want to build a new home, put a down payment in to the builder, and
get on a waiting list that is currently over 3 years long.
* Large oil companies with developments in Fort McMurray oilsands have
started announcing reductions in planned spending over the next 3 years
because the city of Fort McMurray is pleading with them to stop spending
money there as the infrastructure cannot sustain the current growth.


if the above is true how come people arent moving to alberta as much. I mean newcomers??

"Progress comes from deviation".

On a side note if anybody finds my comments or posts offensive or irritating please ignore it and if that still bothers you; please write to me and I will demonstrate.

Member since: Aug 04
Posts: 281
Location: Guelph, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-07-06 09:24:22

>>>if the above is true how come people arent moving to alberta as much. I >>mean newcomers??

Could weather be a problem? Alberta has one of the worst winters in Canada. Non-immigrant friendly govt. could be another? I am not sure! My friend who lived in Alberta after moving from BC, wants to move out.

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1052
Location: Nice ,USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-07-06 10:25:07

Desi people rushed to Canada after hearing similar rumors about Canada and are now crying once they have landed in Canada.

So don't go by newspaper reports and "Lungi'news .

In the city that i live the schools do not have enough rooms so students are being accomodated in portable cabins in the playground. Grade 5 & 6 classes are being conducted from same classroom.

They are not able to recruit doctors so there are no family physicians available.In emergency i had to wait for 5 hours for a simple problem.

All this after Alberta has a surplus of a few Billion dollars in its budget.

And the list of problems goes on.............

So keep your eyes open before you jump to conclusions.

You know you are a desi when ........ You spew forth the virtues of India, but don't want to live there...............You've never had a tanning salon membership

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 601
Location: Baroda, India.

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-07-06 02:23:19

I wish working at Tim Hortons would have given so much money.

My wife was working at Tim Hortons for 2 months when we were in Calgary, Alberta & she was getting less than $8 per hour. There might be a manager level person who might be getting that salary. I know other people working at McDonald's etc. in Calgary getting around 9.5 dollars an hour after working for 3 years at the same place.

Do not know about other things. The provincial govt. is definitely not more non-friendly towards immigrants than other provinces in Canada might be. They right now need more people to come down & settle in Alberta in certain professions.

Remember, no provincial sales tax in Alberta & the $400 rebates given to the residents of Alberta. The rebates helped me come back to India !



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Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1052
Location: Nice ,USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-07-06 10:22:41

When she worked for 8 $ the houses in calagry cost 250,000 $ and now the same house costs 450,000 $ so getting 20 $ per hour now is no big help.

Originally posted by rajand

I wish working at Tim Hortons would have given so much money.

My wife was working at Tim Hortons for 2 months when we were in Calgary, Alberta & she was getting less than $8 per hour. There might be a manager level person who might be getting that salary. I know other people working at McDonald's etc. in Calgary getting around 9.5 dollars an hour after working for 3 years at the same place.

Do not know about other things. The provincial govt. is definitely not more non-friendly towards immigrants than other provinces in Canada might be. They right now need more people to come down & settle in Alberta in certain professions.

Remember, no provincial sales tax in Alberta & the $400 rebates given to the residents of Alberta. The rebates helped me come back to India !



You know you are a desi when ........ You spew forth the virtues of India, but don't want to live there...............You've never had a tanning salon membership

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 601
Location: Baroda, India.

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-07-06 06:13:34

Yeah, that is what my friends tell me. One of my friends was planning to buy a house but has now dropped his plans to buy a house in Calgary. You never know when the bubble bursts !

One of my other friends however bought a house before 3 months for around $3,25,000/-.



Let's make India a better place !

Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 526

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-07-06 12:38:03

Hi Azazf,

Lot of it is exaggeration. There is boom, but not that much. Market forces have a way of balancing off very fast.


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