What Crenshaw says is true. However I would advise you to stop at US customs and get a 'signed' copy from US customs and immigration. When you go to the US post and tell them that you are leaving the US(to move to Canada) they will give you a copy of the I-94 and sign and date it(the copy) and most likely retain the I-94. Please note this is only if you are moving 'permanently' to Canada and want proof of your departure, otherwise you should/could turn it in to Canada customs.
hmm.. would I need the proof of departure (copy of I-94 from US authorities) or not required when the time comes for the US immig interview ? considering CP (not 485) was selected in the 140 application..
thanks again.
If you are going through the Green Card process, then all bets are off. I take back whatever I said. I am not sure what your best plan of action would be.
good luck.
welcome to canada, if you need a good friend i am always available u can reach me at 6478390038 or goodluck buddy.
plan is to move to CAN before the PR expires (in a few months).. and have the GC option too when the time comes for immig interview..
oh will definitely be on the lookout for good friends.. will contact ya PM.
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