I have to order a book from US. Shipping is included. What could be surprise charges at the border apart from GST.
If the book is sent thru a courier co. then they will ding you with brokerage charges. Could be anything from $20 to $40
Try and get it thru USPS
Reiki Grand Master
Originally posted by sudesingh
If the book is sent thru a courier co. then they will ding you with brokerage charges. Could be anything from $20 to $40
Try and get it thru USPS
What's the price of the book?
You could be asked to pay customs duty.
If it's coming via USPS, Canada Post will add the customs bill and you will have to pay Canada Post before they'll give you the item.
They'll also add in a "handling fee".
"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."
-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"
Originally posted by pratickm
What's the price of the book?
You could be asked to pay customs duty.
If it's coming via USPS, Canada Post will add the customs bill and you will have to pay Canada Post before they'll give you the item.
They'll also add in a "handling fee".
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Originally posted by Loser
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