The rule says
"To qualify under the Family Class, an applicant must be related to the Canadian Sponsor in one of the following ways:
spouse, common-law or conjugal partner;
dependent child;
mother or father;
orphaned sister, brother, niece, nephew or grandchild, under 18 and unmarried; or
one relative of any age if the Sponsor does not have an aunt, uncle or family member as described above to sponsor or who is already in Canada as a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. "
Is The one relative option is available to all PRs or to a single family i.e
Me being the Pricipal Applicant anf the Husband can sponsor my father , can my wife sponsor my sister under the One Relative option as described above is she does not have any one else to sponsor from her side.
Originally posted by azami
The rule says
"To qualify under the Family Class, an applicant must be related to the Canadian Sponsor in one of the following ways:
spouse, common-law or conjugal partner;
dependent child;
mother or father;
orphaned sister, brother, niece, nephew or grandchild, under 18 and unmarried; or
one relative of any age if the Sponsor does not have an aunt, uncle or family member as described above to sponsor or who is already in Canada as a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. "
Is The one relative option is available to all PRs or to a single family i.e
Me being the Pricipal Applicant anf the Husband can sponsor my father , can my wife sponsor my sister under the One Relative option as described above is she does not have any one else to sponsor from her side.
Are you there?
Originally posted by azami
The rule says
"To qualify under the Family Class, an applicant must be related to the Canadian Sponsor in one of the following ways:
spouse, common-law or conjugal partner;
dependent child;
mother or father;
orphaned sister, brother, niece, nephew or grandchild, under 18 and unmarried; or
one relative of any age if the Sponsor does not have an aunt, uncle or family member as described above to sponsor or who is already in Canada as a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. "
Is The one relative option is available to all PRs or to a single family i.e
Me being the Pricipal Applicant anf the Husband can sponsor my father , can my wife sponsor my sister under the One Relative option as described above is she does not have any one else to sponsor from her side.
A Proud Indian Canadian
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