Sports facilites for Desis

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Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 24
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-10-07 21:02:43

What do you feel about sports facilites in Canada - do they reflect the new realities?

Every time I look to play badminton or Cricket - I can find nothing worthwhile.

I have sent this letter to who can do something about Badminton facilities in Mississauga. I would urge you to propagate this amongst Desis and urge all of them to write and/or call the City of Mississauga to foster awareness and generate interest in the changing needs of the population.

Here is the Draft of my letter. Maybe you can improve it. But please circulate it and encourage your friends to take on some activist agenda to further this sport. Else nothing will change for the next 10 years if everyone keeps silent and simply accepts the status quo.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Mississauga is sorely lacking badminton facilities. Badminton is a very popular game in Asia - especially South and South East Asia.

The few bandminton clubs presently have a demand-supply ration of 1:10. Ten people are waiting in queue for every 1 with a membership to play in the 4 to 5 clubs, who manage by hiring school gyms on weekday nights as weekends are impossible to get.

The demographics of Mississauga has changed with so many Asian immigrants. Shouldn't city facilities also keep up to the changing sports profile of its populace? Sadly nothing seems to have change to acknowlede the new reality in terms of city facilities - and we have a disproportionate mismatch of sports facilites and true demands of the new demographic.

Please be cognizant of the change which has swept the communities due to immigration which the City serves and adapt to the new reality and new demands. Invest in more sports facilities which are in tune with the ground realities.

thank you,


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