Hi All,
I am living in Mississauga, I am going to apply for citizenship next month, So could you please tell me how much time it takes nowadays. A friend of mine was telling that it took around 3 months for him and another one told me whole process was completed in 6 months. Could you please share your timeline?
There are several threads on this already. Please search the forum before starting a new one.
applied for wife on Feb. 22 2008; acknowledgement letter sent on mar 19; waiting for file to be moved to mississauga and test date.
filed from mississauga
Can anybody else from mississauga give me an idea of how long it takes to get a test date nowadays?
Originally posted by johnson123
Hi All,
I am living in Mississauga, I am going to apply for citizenship next month, So could you please tell me how much time it takes nowadays. A friend of mine was telling that it took around 3 months for him and another one told me whole process was completed in 6 months. Could you please share your timeline?
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