What to teach toddlers at home before moving to India ?

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Member since: Oct 06
Posts: 108
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-08 12:59:25

i think montessori schools in canada would not be a bad option. I heard from so many parents that kids learn a lot.. i have a 2 yr old and planning to send him to a montessori next year..
about sending your kid to india or anywhere else for that matter..just imagine you and his mother won't be part of his memories of growing up..is that really what you want to do? you will miss all his milestones, small and big..just because you "think" kids here doesn't learn much compared to kids in india..

Member since: Apr 07
Posts: 458

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-08 13:01:35

Hang in Guys, I want to share something.

First India is changing; Indian parents as well as the schools are realizing the pressure on kids and are changing their style of studies. I talk about Delhi in particular. You won't find a 3 yr old telling names of cities or their capital....it’s too much to ask from the child. Even Indian toddlers don't know that.

In Delhi govt has abolished interviews in (private) schools, kids are admitted to schools on area basis, a child cannot go beyond a radius of 3 km for school, and it has to be in the neighborhood. The kids who are already studying in far away schools continue but this is for new admissions.

Exams for under 8 yrs are abolished (till 3rd grade), no home work, from cramming system of studies the system focus on group activities, crafts, motor skills (all Americanized styles). The Zee group has started school all our India called "Kidzee" and I liked their style a lot. Many schools are following that example. Still parents being parents (especially Indian) pressure their kids in extra curricular activities, from horse riding to, art classes; to theatre you have everything for 3 yrs in Delhi, so you'll find in Toronto too.

TK, coming to your question, the child doesn't need studies; he needs attention, family time. My kids are 4 yr old and so is my niece in India, when I compared I found she knows nothing more than my kids, they were all at a same level. So don't worry, your child is going to be fine. Just play with him and teach in a fun way, tell stories, sing together, build blocks, read books etc. If the teacher is not teaching him rhymes you can do that, he'll love it then anything else.

Hope this helps...................Jona

Member since: Apr 04
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Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-08 13:05:36

Originally posted by febpreet

Originally posted by dimple2001

I hope this toddler is actually your child. If not, you sound like an owner of a child trafficking business.

This is a pretty strong comment in response to TK's simple question. The guy only asked a normal question. Why post-mortem it, if can't answer?

Yes, it is meant to be a strong comment when a parent makes it sound as if his child is an export commodity. And that was my point which you also have stated - "start from home". Well, people first need to learn to treat their child as their child and not some object in their house.

I have a 2 yr old and from my experience, there's a lot of things that can be done for the child's development regardless of which country you live and how crummy your work schedule is.

Simple things can be exciting for the child and help in learning.

1. Take the child to the public library.
2. Take the child to a train station.
3. Take the child to a bus depot.
4. Baby einstein videos
5. Sit with the child and read books. Make it a habit before bedtime.
6. Give the child a book while in the potty.
7. Spend time in a park (if you don't have your own yard) among dirt, pebbles, plants and bugs.
8. Go to a riverside and shown them boats.
9. Walk them to a letterbox and have them pick the mail.
10. Have them help you with the chores - instills discipline and order.
11. Constantly talk to them about any object and they will repeat it. I call my bluetooth gizmo "cockroach" and my son diligently has picked that word.

All the above are FREE!

If parents can get their focus off the "Indian way" of raising and quit insisting on Einsteining their kid through some unrealistic curriculum and simply focus the child on things that surround their environment, half of the child's learning is accomplished.

Yes, I do understand the absurdness of KG requirements in India, but I'll leave that for someone else to worry. We are happy at home in Canada.


Big Vee   
Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 456
Location: Canada-Glorious and Free

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-08 14:07:46

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

Hello Cd's,
I plan to move a toddler of nearly 3 years (32 months) to India in one or 2 years. Right now, at the daycare, the toddler is taught almost nothing. Though they must teach rhymes / have activities in the day care, I donot see any appriciable improvement in the toddlers knowledge when compared to a similar toddler's knowledge in India.

I disagree. A toddler is learning what a toddler needs to know at that age! What the hell is a toddler going to do with the information on capital cities??? And how does that prove anything except the ability of the toddler ability to recite (without any knowledge) the capital cities. You can teach a monkey the capital cities of the world - but what use it it?

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 2873
Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-08 14:24:34

Originally posted by Big Vee

You can teach a monkey the capital cities of the world - but what use it it?

Ahhh...that explains the population surge of rhesus monkeys in New Delhi...damn ;)


Member since: Oct 06
Posts: 108
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-08 14:37:56

Originally posted by dimple2001

Originally posted by febpreet

Originally posted by dimple2001

I hope this toddler is actually your child. If not, you sound like an owner of a child trafficking business.

This is a pretty strong comment in response to TK's simple question. The guy only asked a normal question. Why post-mortem it, if can't answer?

Yes, it is meant to be a strong comment when a parent makes it sound as if his child is an export commodity. And that was my point which you also have stated - "start from home". Well, people first need to learn to treat their child as their child and not some object in their house.

I have a 2 yr old and from my experience, there's a lot of things that can be done for the child's development regardless of which country you live and how crummy your work schedule is.

Simple things can be exciting for the child and help in learning.

1. Take the child to the public library.
2. Take the child to a train station.
3. Take the child to a bus depot.
4. Baby einstein videos
5. Sit with the child and read books. Make it a habit before bedtime.
6. Give the child a book while in the potty.
7. Spend time in a park (if you don't have your own yard) among dirt, pebbles, plants and bugs.
8. Go to a riverside and shown them boats.
9. Walk them to a letterbox and have them pick the mail.
10. Have them help you with the chores - instills discipline and order.
11. Constantly talk to them about any object and they will repeat it. I call my bluetooth gizmo "cockroach" and my son diligently has picked that word.

All the above are FREE!

If parents can get their focus off the "Indian way" of raising and quit insisting on Einsteining their kid through some unrealistic curriculum and simply focus the child on things that surround their environment, half of the child's learning is accomplished.

Yes, I do understand the absurdness of KG requirements in India, but I'll leave that for someone else to worry. We are happy at home in Canada.

I so agree to this..

Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 1096

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-08 15:01:43

Originally posted by Big Vee

I disagree. A toddler is learning what a toddler needs to know at that age! What the hell is a toddler going to do with the information on capital cities??? And how does that prove anything except the ability of the toddler ability to recite (without any knowledge) the capital cities. You can teach a monkey the capital cities of the world - but what use it it?

BV the situation in India, especially in Delhi is that there are not enough good schools. So what happens that you have thousands of children applying for admission while they have just a few seats available. So how are the school authorities going to admit children. They spend 5 mins with a child and they have to decide to admit or not.
We were lucky when my daughter had to admitted, we landed back in India mid semester and fortunately there was an availabilty ( & a few phone calls!!!) When i was talking to the principal she said during the admission time they get a lot of pressure from all sides to admit children while as they have just a few seats.

Even though the supreme court has agreeed that it is a complex problem

"When counsel Ashok Agrawal, appearing for parents, stated that children should not be subjected to interviews, the Bench quipped "it is so easy" to comment on a complex issue like selecting children for admission to kindergarten and nursery classes. " http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1886237.cms

That is the main reason for children in India being "pushed"to learn all this at ayoung age. Frankly i feel sorry for the lot.

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