I wonder where this new generation is headed

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Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 1096

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-02-07 16:07:02


I think this is an isolated case where a group of girls who are friends have gotten themselves into this situation. I don't think this applies throughout the UK or even all of London. I would imagine most young girls have a mind of their own and would not just get pregnant for 'kicks'

Exactly PP..... kids have always looked for doing outrageous things ... sometimes it is peer pressure or just to stand out .... unfortunately some kids end up doing things that damage their future.....

Pink Panther   
Member since: Feb 06
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-02-07 16:10:15

Originally posted by puttoo


I think this is an isolated case where a group of girls who are friends have gotten themselves into this situation. I don't think this applies throughout the UK or even all of London. I would imagine most young girls have a mind of their own and would not just get pregnant for 'kicks'

Exactly PP..... kids have always looked for doing outrageous things ... sometimes it is peer pressure or just to stand out .... unfortunately some kids end up doing things that damage their future.....

This is where education comes in.

Bijou Bazaar

Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 1096

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-02-07 16:19:14

Funny .... you said it ... 'cause some people are blaming sex education in schools

As you can see from the number , it is not an isolated case..... anyway the idea is not to point fingers at someone but just to discuss the topic .

"Norman Wells, from the pressure group Family and Youth Concern, said the sex education in schools had cheapened it and reduced it to a "casual recreational activity."

On Thursday, Labour announced it would conduct a major review of its sex education policy after figures from Office for National Statistics revealed that the number of pregnancies among under-18s in 2005 was 39,683, up from the 35,400 recorded a decade ago.

These included 7,917 pregnancies recorded among girls under 16. "


Pink Panther   
Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 533
Location: Private location

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-02-07 16:26:02

Originally posted by puttoo

Funny .... you said it ... 'cause some people are blaming sex education in schools

As you can see from the number , it is not an isolated case..... anyway the idea is not to point fingers at someone but just to discuss the topic .

"Norman Wells, from the pressure group Family and Youth Concern, said the sex education in schools had cheapened it and reduced it to a "casual recreational activity."

On Thursday, Labour announced it would conduct a major review of its sex education policy after figures from Office for National Statistics revealed that the number of pregnancies among under-18s in 2005 was 39,683, up from the 35,400 recorded a decade ago.

These included 7,917 pregnancies recorded among girls under 16. "


The girl in question got pregnant after having sex for the first time. Had she insisted on the guy using protection perhaps she would not be expecting today...can we assume she knew this and did it anyway?

Maybe the way sex ed is taught in schools needs to change.

Bijou Bazaar

Member since: May 06
Posts: 78

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-02-07 21:13:52

But I am not sure what can be done if they are labeling this practice as "fashion". Britney got bald out of frustration, and girls in town are said to be following the trend, saying that it is "fashion".

Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-07 13:04:41

If you look at the stats for teen pregnancies, it happens all over the world at different rates in the population. It also happens for varying reasons:
- lack of knowledge/awareness of birth control options
- peer pressure (having children is seen as 'cool' as portrayed by media)
-pressure to be sexually active - to be liked, to feel important/popular etc.
- to give life meaning (ie/ studies show that young girls living in poverty or near poverty are more likely to have teenage pregnancies and have limited education
- Rape. Some pregnancies result from date rapes. Apparently 11-20 % of teen pregnancies occur from rape. that is pretty high. This is linked to drug and alchohol use etc.

I dont think you can say it is mainly the parents on this one. THere is a lot of social pressure on teenagers to conform. Parents may do everything correctly however pregnancy can result from the choices a youth makes.

quoted from wikipedia:
" Experts in the area and other commentators have offered varying opinions on the root causes of teenage pregnancy.

According to Gill Francis, of the National Children's Bureau, "There are four main reasons why girls in Britain become pregnant. We don’t give children enough information; we give them mixed messages about sex and relationships; social deprivation means girls are more likely to become pregnant; and girls whose mothers were teenage mums are more likely to do the same". [15]

Laurence Shaw, a U.K. fertility specialist, has suggested that, despite the social stigma attached to teenage pregnancy, it is a natural biological adaptation to begin reproducing during the peak fertile period of the late teens and early twenties. This is the period of time when the fecundity rate (a measure of fertility) is highest, nearing 30%. [29]

According to Gracie Hsu of the Family Research Council, "contrary to the common perception that teenage sex and pregnancy typically stem from two teenagers getting caught up in the heat of the moment, new research reveals that many teenage girls are being sexually exploited and impregnated by adult men." She also highlights family breakdown, fatherless families, lack of parental supervision, cultural influences, and erosion of legal protections such as statutory rape laws. [30]"

~ Morning rain

Contributors: Pink Panther(4) puttoo(3) zorro(3) Maharaj(1) rahul_singh23(1) morning_rain(1)

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