TN Visa California Driving Questions -- Specifics

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Member since: May 08
Posts: 4

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-05-08 19:23:54


I have seen lots of TN driving questions, but most of them skim over the parts that interest me. I just relocated to California on a TN Visa. I have just arrived and currently have a rental vehicle. I am in the process of looking at buying a vehicle. So I have multiple questions.

1) I understand I need to do both a written and driving test. The earliest date for the driving test is a couple of months from now. When I go in to do the written test do they take a way my license at that point or do they wait until the driving test? If they do take my Canadian license away do they give me a permit requiring me to drive with someone 18 or older or some such. E.g. if I drive my rental vehicle and take the written test, can I try away and continue driving around. It would suck and make no sense to be able to drive for a month and then have to take a test with no way to practice.

2) Can I purchase a car and register it (get license plates) without a California license.

I ask number 2 as I am having huge issues with the driving tests. I cannot use a rental vehicle without written permission (I have called around), and many of the driving schools won't let me pay for their vehicle to use one cause they are not certain if I am insured with my Canadian visa which is very frustrating. Essentially, I am ready and willing to take the test but there are too many questions. I called the California DMV for answers, but was given incorrect information from the get go and was told that I had 30 days (every one since then has told me 10 business days).

Any help would be appreciated.

Member since: Dec 05
Posts: 942

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-05-08 10:55:51

Originally posted by jamespeach

1) I understand I need to do both a written and driving test. The earliest date for the driving test is a couple of months from now. When I go in to do the written test do they take a way my license at that point or do they wait until the driving test? If they do take my Canadian license away do they give me a permit requiring me to drive with someone 18 or older or some such.

-- In the state of California, they will NOT take away your cdn driving licence. Once you pass your tests (written and driving) you will get your FULL California driving Licence without losing your cdn licence.


2) Can I purchase a car and register it (get license plates) without a California license.

-- Should not be a problem - but confirm with the DMV..

Member since: May 08
Posts: 4

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-05-08 21:35:32


Just to give answer as I went down to the DMV today. They did not take my license as cdn_dude said. The answer to question 2 is that if buying straight from a dealer such as Toyota they will take care of the for you. If your buying from some random person off craigslist or something it is also do able, there is just a bit more paper work.

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