question regarding ontario driving license

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Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 19
Location: pakistan

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-06-04 06:42:49

dear desis,
i am joining the canadian community of desis in the month of september, now i have some question regarding ontario driving license,
as i have the HTV (heavy transport vehicle)license in my home country since last 07 years, now my queries are
1. is this license valid in toronto and if yes then how it will be helpful for me to get " G" license. in other words it is a license of driving buses and large trucks and not for cars so is it matter that one should/must have car driving license in its home country to get a 40$ rebate in test fee and also to sit for G1 or G2 license.
2. is my license of HTV can help me in getting the truck license if yes then how far.
thanks in advance for ur input to these queries

Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 446
Location: CaNaDa

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-06-04 11:10:49

First of all u need international license from transportation office of ur country. u wouldn't need G2 or G till first 3 months( correct me if i wrong).
Then u will give ur G1 test. and then u can give G2 or G,whatever u want. u wouldnt need to wait till 1 year bcoz of ur experience.......
now if u thinking u can save $40, thats wrong. nobody is saving $40. sooner or later u will pay for it...
Now ur main Q. I have no idea about using HTV for car license here. i dont have A for it. sorry about it..

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Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 19
Location: pakistan

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-06-04 05:31:47

thanks for the input to my topic.
to know about validity of HTV l(heavy transport vehicle license) license with respect to getting car driver license in ontario is an essential element and if any one can shed some light on it it will be of great help
is there any difference in license number plate of an individual having a experience and an indivdual not having experience, like having experience give u no. plate starting with letter 'K' and not having driving experience starting with 'c', and all this effecting ultimately ur monthly insurance cover. like dropping some what from $400 yo $325.

Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 19
Location: pakistan

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-06-04 05:32:06

thanks for the input to my topic.
to know about validity of HTV l(heavy transport vehicle license) license with respect to getting car driver license in ontario is an essential element and if any one can shed some light on it it will be of great help
is there any difference in license number plate of an individual having a experience and an indivdual not having experience, like having experience give u no. plate starting with letter 'K' and not having driving experience starting with 'c', and all this effecting ultimately ur monthly insurance cover. like dropping some what from $400 yo $325.

Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 19
Location: pakistan

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-06-04 05:32:59

thanks for the input to my topic.
to know about validity of HTV l(heavy transport vehicle license) license with respect to getting car driver license in ontario is an essential element and if any one can shed some light on it it will be of great help
is there any difference in license number plate of an individual having a experience and an indivdual not having experience, like having experience give u no. plate starting with letter 'K' and not having driving experience starting with 'c', and all this effecting ultimately ur monthly insurance cover. like dropping some what from $400 yo $325.

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