Strange presumtive VP pick by McCain-Sarah Palin

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Member since: Oct 02
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Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-09-08 22:23:27

Originally posted by jake3d

Actually I think the Obama campaign should have chosen Hillary for # 2 spot. The dems should have chosen Hillary for # 1 in the first place... Obama is clearly a neophyte when it comes to executive office and experience. This campaign is really his biggest 'office' so far.
A Hillary Obama ticket would have crushed the republicans. Now the repbulicans have a fighting chance.

I don't know if Hillary would've been the right choice for president simply because I don't think she would've won. Obama's the democrats best bet IMHO. Although Hillary could've been a VP candidate and I agree that Biden was a strage pick.

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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-09-08 23:08:50

Originally posted by BlueLobster

I would not be surprised if Coulter had some say or advance notice of the pick, she's someone who drives a huge voter base for the Republicans. That's what so stupefying though, a country with a population as intelligent/educated as Americans, driven by a fire-breathing nonsense-peddling psuedo-celebrity like her.

I find many of her statements bigoted and 'playing to the gallery' too. But then remember Laloo prasad yadav, bal thackrey etc? That type of though finds resonance.


I guess the question is how big is the right itself.

Actually putting it in the context of this thread...before Palin the right was not that much of a threat. Palin and Lieberman(McCains friend) were both good choices but Palin has galvanised the party. The republicans to the centre were already behind McCain, but now the ones towaards the right are also back into the campaign. A galvanized cadre is very helpful to run a good campaign.


had a kid/relative killed in the Iraq war, would he still vote with abortion as the key issue?

palins son is going to Iraq next month or so.

And Lord help the rest of the world too, because with an incompetent America, we're headed for chaos where the Irans, the North Koreas, the Russias will only get more and more powerful and there won't be much leverage against them. We'll find out soon enough though.

Obamas victory will not change this one bit. It will actually embolden all the parties you have mentioned. After all Iran wants to talk for as long as it can.

Actually I am afraid Israel will do something about Iran just before the new pres, especially if they feel Obama is coming into office. Why do you think Putin will care more if Obama is potus? How will there be more leverage with any of the countries mentioned if Obama is potus?

I personally think that die was cast long before. Russia was pissed off a long time ago. Remember the bombing in Serbia and the Kosovan independence? Its American foreign policy (both democrats and republicans) which has led to this point. The Russians under Putin were only biding their time. Bush or not..this was bound to happen. What happened with north korea and Albrights wine and dine with lil kim :D ? He wined and dined with her, signed some agreements and then went back to what he always did. Also about Iran, why would they have done anything different...their plants were in action long before the bush admin was in power. Actually the Iranian nuclear program was started with US help back in the 1950's.

I think if Obama comes into power and is able to hold back the Israelis(if they do not do anything before that)...the Iranians will have the bomb soon. Then Saudi and Egypt and Jordan will get it too because they do not want to see a Shia Iran as the major player there...its a matter of prestige. With Iran there is no question of leverage whatever the administration in the white house. The only things that can stop them is an internal uprising, external actions or a combination.

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Member since: Sep 03
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-09-08 08:21:24

Nice writeup by Carl Bernstein.

"The McCain campaign and the Republican Party of 2008 are betting that Barack Obama won't be nimble enough to repeat Clinton's feat, and that they have found the formula (including putting Palin on the ticket at a moment when the election seemed to be eluding them) to victory"

The Dems should put the Clinton's into attack mode. Hillary can probably negate the Palin effect. Does Hillary have enough vested in it? Probably... if Palin becomes VP in Nov, Hillary maybe up against her in 2012.

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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-09-08 09:39:12

I have been watching the RNC and there has been a glaring contrast with DNC. The Republicans will not let go of their "war mentality" and the Democrats have been promising to clean up USA's image inside and outside. I am convinced the latter is a must and former will only make things worse.

Truthfully, the Republicans don't have a plan. Last night's chant was "drill baby drill" with focus on being self-sufficient when it came to oil. Well, WTF were they doing for these past 8 years and why aren't they shifting their focus on alternative sources?

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Member since: Sep 03
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Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-09-08 10:26:09

Originally posted by blorean

I have been watching the RNC and there has been a glaring contrast with DNC. The Republicans will not let go of their "war mentality" and the Democrats have been promising to clean up USA's image inside and outside. I am convinced the latter is a must and former will only make things worse.

Promising and delivering are 2 different issues. Putin, lil kim, China and ammyjaabby are not going away easy. From their approaches so far Obama/Bidden combo is not something that will be able to tackle those threats without forsaking Americas interests, allies and friendships. Hillary would have made a good counterweight to Obama and helped him tackle those very real threats to American interests.

Truthfully, the Republicans don't have a plan. Last night's chant was "drill baby drill" with focus on being self-sufficient when it came to oil. Well, WTF were they doing for these past 8 years and why aren't they shifting their focus on alternative sources?

so true.

BTW: there are rumors that Biden will drop out soon...hes been nominated officially so I dont know how the dems can manage this but the same rumors say Hillary will step in. Maybe just rumors but thought I'd post it.

Edit: Apparently Bidens son,brother and daughter are in legal trouble.
...son and brother in lawsuit

Daughter arrested earlier..facing judge on sept 20

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Member since: Jan 07
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-09-08 14:20:56

Oh my god this Paulin lady can talk.. By far the most impressive of the speakers from either side.. Although she talked nothing of substance she sure gave the biased media the trashing they deserved.

I think this race should have been between Palin and Mrs Obama.. both these ladies are really good talkers..

Rather than the dull McCain and stammering obama...

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