Work Permit to PR ?

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Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-03-04 11:04:00

Orginally posted by sameersheth

Hi Desi,

Thanks for your info. Yes! This consultancy are providing work permit along with a software developer job offer. The company, which will be filing the papers with HRDC, is HPN CONSULTING GROUP, L.L.C., Manitoba, HPN Consulting group will interview us after we land there and if found suitable they will absorb us in there own software division or else they will help us getting job interviews with other concern, so basically the job is not guaranteed.

Well, a work permit is legally binding to a specific job. I guess if you change employers, you'd have to get another work-permit from HRDC, unless, you're going to be a consultant for the company that filed your papers. I wonder what happens until you find a job, if they don't hire you right away. You must be aware that you can't legally work for anybody else during this time, so you'll be spending from your savings. And what about health insurance? You'll have to buy this if the company isn't providing this, since Canadian healthcare won't cover you unless you're on P.R.

This used to happen in the U.S. a lot during the tech-boom-days with H-1 visas. But the market in the states is totally different, most people who used to come used to find jobs right away and switching H-1s wasn't such a big deal. I don't know much about the Canadian work-permit situation , but if you've browsed through the other posts here, you'll know right away that the job scene is nowhere liike the U.S.

I would press them to conduct the interview in India itself and try to guarantee a job-offer. Otherwise it sounds a bit iffy. I'mean if you're working with SAP with HP in India, you've gotta be making decent money. I guess you have to ask yourself if you're willing to leave that for the uncertainty here. The idea isn't to scare you, but I would advise you to tread with caution. Also keep in touch with the guy who came recently, he may be your best source for information.

p.s. - The services they're providing assistance with are no big deal. Anybody can obtain all of these very easily without any assistance.

Are you there?

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-03-04 22:55:57

Rs 5 lakh is a steep sum to pay for a such a "job offer." (If found suitable, we will absorb you!). Okay, you will land in 20 days but what makes you so desparate to land in Canada in 20 days?

If you are coming to Canada for money, better ask the persons who are in your field in Canada what they earn. Anyway your spending is going to be determined by the lifestyle you wish.

Give free food ||

Member since: Mar 04
Posts: 15
Location: Bangalore, India

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-03-04 04:15:32

Hi Desi & Raj,

Thanks guys for your very informative input. I was wondering if you can let me know of few guys whom you know are working in Software Field, especially in SAP and Java in Toronto.

Desi, you had given me a members name ani70 but how do i contact him, can you give me his email id, please.

Thanks guys

Warm Regards

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-03-04 22:45:37

I had a hard time searching for this post since it is in News and Events and I was searching this post in jobs section.

Then I had to use "search in charcha" and put work permit in quotes to get to this.

Now, it is showing Canadian Desi > Immigration & Citizenship ! Did somebody move it?

You can search for ani70 in the username field of search in charcha. Then go to Msg to send a private msg or see the profile and send email. I have already asked ani70 to respond to this post.

You may send private msg or email with details of your work experience and such things.

Give free food ||

Member since: Oct 03
Posts: 765
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-03-04 11:18:52

I totally agree with BL and other guys and the whole thing sounds very fissy to me.In December I met one guy in Toronto who came in work permit via a similar kind of consultancy firm by paying Rs 3 lakh .That consulatncy also promised similar kind of statements like if you are suitable we'll absorb you otherwise look for job.After landing here they only helped him in getting a SIN and opening a bank account .. told him to manage by working labour kind of jobs till they find a so called suitable job for him he is in Dire Strait!!!:(
I am in SAP field for last 6 years with a very sold profile ..even after spending 3 years time with USA'a two biggest SAP client I really struggled to get a SAP job in Canada ....after trying for almost one and half year luckily I got permanent job in a reasonably good salary in Canada.Per my understanding IT market is not anyway comarable with USA.As far as SAP job is concerned all Canadain company looks for candidates with perfect soft skills ..and so most of the SAP jobs are filled by persons immigrated from European countries(France,Poland,Russia etc etc)
In my company I was surprised to see only 6 desis out of almost 200 SAP guys where as in USA in most of the USA IT projects are dominated by Desis
In a nutshell Canada is not the best of the countries for IT peaple particularly those who doesn't have enough North American working experience
I believe now you understand even you are a Canadian PR/Citizen this is not at all a easy task to get a SAP job in Canada.So trying to get a SAP job with workpermit I don't think will be a wise decesion.What I understood people who are coming genuinely via work permit are those who are working as a onsite consultant for reputed company's like CGEY,Wipro ,Satyam etc etc.
If I would have been in your situation I would better try to work in a USA project as SAP market is very very hot nowadays.Rather than working via a small consultancy firm I would prefer joining a big Indian /Multinational IT company like Infosys,Satyam,Intelli ,CGEY,Accenture who has a good number of project in USA.If you can move to USA with their own project then you can start gaining North Ameriacn experience and based on situation you can even plan for applying Canadian PR from won't take more than 2 years if you apply from USA



Member since: Mar 04
Posts: 15
Location: Bangalore, India

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-03-04 23:05:35

Hi ani,

Thanks a lot for the useul information. I feel so sad that so many of our indian brothers are falling prey for this consultancy by paying such huge sum amount, I know a person who has started his process through this consultancy by paying a total of Rs 6.5 laksh, yes 6.5 Lakhs. nway...

I want to thank all of you guys who have replied and have given your suggestion and guidance....THANKS GUYS !

Warm Regards

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 99
Location: Toronto, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-03-04 19:15:36

Hello Read all ur postings, All have explained earlier so have nothing much to say, but Sameer bhai Manitoba has opened its job market to attract Immigrants, so Guys from other state go there start a comp and invite people on Work Permit I beleive this is the case for you. What if u dont get a Job????? You loose ur 5Laks your Travel expense and most of all the embarrassments of doing this act. Please dont leave the Your Job or Country without getting a valid Job. On the other hand spend another 2 Laks for your Masters or Specialization in SAP in Canada get a PG u get 1 year Work permit, in the mean u can apply for Immigration from Canada, u can settle here.

All the best



Contributors: sameersheth(9) rajcanada(4) BlueLobster(2) Dude(1) torontonian(1) ab2004(1) nishitno1(1) babukp(1) Smokei(1) ani70(1)

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