Amazing but True: Software engineer available in GTA for CAD 60/Day + accom

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Member since: Nov 08
Posts: 1448
Location: Sunny - Leone

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-06-09 17:46:32

I just learnt with amazement that a good quality SW engineer is available in scores in GTA for $60 per day + shared accomodation + breakfast + dinner. The weekend meals are on the Engineer.

I learnt it from my Good Friend(Real One) that many a Engineers are being brought from India on Work Permit at $60 per day and put in motels in suburbs. The food for breakfast and dinner is on the hotel. They also have a kitchen in the room. The food for week end is on the SW engineer. They all come on contracts/workpermit and return to India on completion of the job. They are replaced by a new set of people.

The interesting thing is that they cannot get the PR as SW is not on the HOT list of the Immigration Minister.

You come here work on around $5 per hour, no pension, no health care(you buy insurance in India) and once the job is done you are back in India and replaced by a fresh set of mind/hand.

I learn that there are scores of desis from India in suburbs of GTA.

Even in USA a H-1B with a body shopper used to make atleast $35 to $40 per hour and not $5 when the Ontario minimum wage is $9.75 per hour.


Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-06-09 23:36:47

I very seriously doubt it. I have been following Software Engineers (desi) in Canada but have never heard of anything like this.
The reasons that I doubt it is this :

1. Even though the person is on WP, they have to be paid on payroll by the body shopper / company. If the Min. wage in Ontario is $9 / hr. then these guys have to be paid like 9*8 = $ 72 (atleast). I seriously doubt if a software engr. will come on WP / Deputation to this uselss country at min. wage. Some of the worst software desi companies in Canada pay around $55K min..

2. I personally know many's , B. Sc's coming to Canada as a software engineer and getting PR by applying to Buffalo. So I really doubt that people in software cannot get PR. (Note that software is the only field in which your univ. education is garbage. Even a B'com can be a Business analyst in Canada and earn $100K a year. This is reality)

3. I seriously doubt that these companies can cheat the govt. by paying less than the min. wage in Ontario. if one of them (the staff) double crosses, then it will be the end of that body shop company in Canada.

I agree with Vandematharam that these "So called' software engineers will / can cram 10 in one room and cook and wash cloths in the tub etc... to save money (that is their choice and preference). In fact, during my recent visits to mississauga, I have seen a lot of these " so called' software engineers roaming the city ( you can identify them with a big pot belly, rubber shoes, lap top bag, cheap sunglasses, huddling in pairs, not that professionally looking etc...)

However, may be some one else (Insider) can shed more news on this matter. If some one can give me the details of the company (PM is fine). I can atleast alert Dalton and collect a huge wistle blower reward and share it with Vandematharam. after the e-health scandel, the liberal govt. is looking to plug all the loop holes.

Peace by TK

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Nov 08
Posts: 1448
Location: Sunny - Leone

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-06-09 10:39:30

This is true.

I do not want to blow the whistle as this involves Desi's life and careers.

This is happening in areas West of GTA.

These guys have applied for Business Visas and they were refused and then they have all come on Work Permits. Work Permits are very easy to obtain.

They go back to India after about 6 months and they are replaced by a new batch of people.

Incidentally their project managers are also along with them...

They are employees of the Indian company, but on work permit from the local sponsors.

There are plenty of motels/hotels in these areas with these Desis staying.

One more thing is that their Indian companies are from Hyderabad and Bangalore.

They work 12 hours a day and at times 6 days a week, stay 2 per room.
Their work hours are about 80 hours a week and 320 hours a month. At 12 hours a day, with 60 bucks a day it works out 5 bucks an hour.

Some of these companies are telling CIC that they are not able to get these specialized graduates from Canada including Mc Master, Waterloo, McGill or our own UFT and bring these guys from India.

Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.

Member since: Jun 09
Posts: 60

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-06-09 10:48:32

Also, agree and confirmed this happens here.

We rent our basement and came accorss some people to rent our basement.

It was very tough to give them on rent. They moved immd. on second day as they are staying in hotel after landing. Then they found basement is cheaper $25 rent..but then they cry all the time for penny or $$...

They ended up taking things from our house when no one at home to save $$$....

worst experience..
Now we learn lesson tht dont give on rent this work permit people..

I know few...of them

It is very true.. believe it or not.

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-06-09 23:58:34

Wow! An IT Analyst myself, can't believe it. Really, an eye opener. Now, who says Canada has a dearth of IT professionals and any company looking for one can't find one within Canada?

May be, yet another case of systematic bypassing the minimum wage requirements and hire a foreigner (even if from India). Give a job first to a Canadian or PR. But, hey when laws are so weak and all you get a community service if breaking such then one can't really complain enough. Live with it.
Remember a recent incidence of Ruby Dhalla?

Same wine different bottle!

Member since: Nov 04
Posts: 938
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-06-09 10:00:38

I know a similar type of practice by one of the top IT company from India (which was in financial malpractice trouble early this year). There modus operandi was to quote a really very low rates in the contract bit war where they offer a combination of onsite and offshore project/support team, which is practically not possible with any Canandian/US competitor. After getting the contract, they assemble the offshore team, which most of us in IT knows how it works – say out of a team of 10, only 2/3 are allowed to communicate with clients. Rest of them are just fillers in the team as a head count. For onsite team, they bring their average resources/professionals from India, while giving them their Indian salary in Rupees. Most of time they come on visitor visa pretending to the visa officer that they are going for a week or so for some client meetings in Canada/US. Once a visitor visa of 6 months granted, they stay here for a full term of 6 months, working at client site. The IT company pays them their original salary in India in rupees and they also pay around 50 to 100 $ per day as allowance to stay here on the top of accommodation and food. On client side, you can find such people coming early and staying late because they have no social life/facilities at their place of residence. After 6 months, another set of such professional gets in to replace them.

This is an open secret and I believe most of us in IT, know about it. This is malpractice going on by most of Indian IT companies to capture contracts low rates, which are otherwise not feasible. Even the clients are also aware of such malpractices sometime but they prefer not to interfere as they are saving $, getting extra working hours from such persons as well as the exposure could be a risk to their projects.

It could be a reason that the image of Indian IT professionals is not as bright as it used to be a few years before due to their diminishing quality of work.

A Delhite in Toronto

Member since: Apr 08
Posts: 528

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-06-09 13:47:56

I work for an IT consulting company. We have offices in India. All the development work from here goes to our company in India. The Indian extension of our organization does just that. Now they do hire a lot of senior people but majority of them are junior that the senior guys have to mentor.

As of today, when an IT resource applies for a job in a company in India, it has become a norm for the resources to ask for "onsite oppurtunity" which means a short trip to US or Canada depending on where the parent company/client is located.

When the offshore team is engaged on a big project, some of the resources are brought here on training for a short period. It is a win-win situation. The offshore resources get the "onsite" experience they asked for and the clients get to see some of these offshore resources. On such assignments, the offshore resources are paid a daily stipend of $50 if they opt for the company to provide accomodation or $108 if they chose to find their own accomodation (relative's place, friend's place etc). These resources get their regular pay in India...

That is the reality I am aware of and work closely with.

So you see how one can take a legitimate operation such as this, give it a twist and make it seem like a the dumb and retarded OP?

If you have a gun, you can rob a bank.
If you have a bank, you can rob everyone.
- Bill Maher

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