Amazing but True: Software engineer available in GTA for CAD 60/Day + accom

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Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-06-09 12:00:31

How can you bring people in a particular technology from outside when sufficient skill is available with in the country ?

I have seen this hapening and I know it can be a bigger news then the e-health scam , especially when Candian Laws highlight this explicitly .


Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-06-09 12:04:27

Originally posted by blorean

I work for an IT consulting company. We have offices in India. All the development work from here goes to our company in India. The Indian extension of our organization does just that. Now they do hire a lot of senior people but majority of them are junior that the senior guys have to mentor.

As of today, when an IT resource applies for a job in a company in India, it has become a norm for the resources to ask for "onsite oppurtunity" which means a short trip to US or Canada depending on where the parent company/client is located.

When the offshore team is engaged on a big project, some of the resources are brought here on training for a short period. It is a win-win situation. The offshore resources get the "onsite" experience they asked for and the clients get to see some of these offshore resources. On such assignments, the offshore resources are paid a daily stipend of $50 if they opt for the company to provide accomodation or $108 if they chose to find their own accomodation (relative's place, friend's place etc). These resources get their regular pay in India...

That is the reality I am aware of and work closely with.

So you see how one can take a legitimate operation such as this, give it a twist and make it seem like a the dumb and retarded OP?

Bringing them on a training is different thing and bringing them to complete projects is another . In cases where the Cos have offices in India the scenario becomes slightly different but what happens when the Cos do not have offices in India and through some intermediary company get guys to work on projects on visit visas . Its commonplace .


Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 26
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-06-09 13:44:22

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

In fact, during my recent visits to mississauga, I have seen a lot of these " so called' software engineers roaming the city ( you can identify them with a big pot belly, rubber shoes, lap top bag, cheap sunglasses, huddling in pairs, not that professionally looking etc...)


I'll look out for desis with pot bellies next time I'm in Square One.

Member since: Dec 08
Posts: 36
Location: Toronto, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-06-09 15:15:16

Originally posted by blorean
I am even more surprised that this isn't making news if it has any semblance of legitamacy to it. Don't you think?

Why should it?
It's been going on for years.
No union jobs are being lost.
No vote bank or vested interest group is being affected.
It's a win-win for companies using this cheap labour as well as companies providing the labour.
No rights of Canadian citizens are being abused.
I see no reason for this to be big news.
Hey, garbage pickup in Toronto is a bigger issue, who cares about a bunch of "pot-bellied" Indian computer programmers don't you think?
Or maybe one day it will be breaking news and will bring down the big corporations...
Why should it?
If it does get out, the corporations will simply throw up their hands and say hey we didn't know these guys are being paid less than min. wage, how would we know?
The offshore company would be fined, at worst, which they will pay.

Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 429
Location: Ohio

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-06-09 15:23:25

Originally posted by Fido

How can you bring people in a particular technology from outside when sufficient skill is available with in the country ?

Native Canadians say this about immigrants all the time. What should the government do? Stop immigration altogether?

You were once in line to get your passport stamped. What would you have thought about this then? Just because you have that PR card now or a Canadian passport, perspectives have changed?

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-06-09 16:09:48

It seems you missed the point .

The Q ia about WPs & Visitors VS PRs & Citizens . If you are a PR you are very well eligible to the worforce . The problem comes when PR s with same skills are not having opportunities since the jobs are being dished outside .

Unlike the US Canadian work permit system is supposed to be very stringent which maintains that an outsider will be called for a job only when no one is available for that job in Canada .

People wo migrate as PR s come w/o jobs and take a lot of risk . They deserve all the opportunities that arise here .


Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 429
Location: Ohio

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-06-09 16:28:54

Originally posted by Fido

It seems you missed the point .

The Q ia about WPs & Visitors VS PRs & Citizens . If you are a PR you are very well eligible to the worforce . The problem comes when PR s with same skills are not having opportunities since the jobs are being dished outside .

What difference does it make if somebody enters the country as a PR or on a WP? The natives will always cry foul that immigrants are coming in hordes and taking away their jobs or stiffening the competition. Funny part is that now you being on the other side of the desk, speak the same language. That my friend, is the point.

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