Service house/appts or short term leased house for NRIs at VADODARA, Guj!!

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Member since: Mar 04
Posts: 441
Location: Mississauga-Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-08-09 08:38:44


I have spent majority of my time in Vadodara and we own a house in sayaji gunj area. Since the local authorities have decided to construct a FLY OVER, my house has become un-livable for some time. Moreover we have a little one, who is still not immune to dust mites etc..

In this case, I am in search of a short termed house/appt in areas such as VASNA RD, ALKAPURI, ILLORA PARK or GOTRI ROAD. I have heard of many people renting it for short terms to NRIs like us. If someone knows more about it or even interested to rent out their own properties which are vacant back home, we are interested. A furnished house is more than welcome.

We need it for 2/3 months maximum from mid of Sept and are ready to pay attractive rent.



Member since: Jan 09
Posts: 125

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-08-09 11:40:30

Even l saw some adv when i was in baroda...above alka restaurant. in alkapuri i guess thats opp to center point plaza...or raju pan if yu know...

that was a nice apartments..few of them were for rent either short term or long was 2 months ago..

Member since: Mar 04
Posts: 441
Location: Mississauga-Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-08-09 12:43:39

Thanks for your reply newbieca,

Yeah I searched on google and found some names on this site called Are you talking about Shital Appt (the green colour ones), where the famous VIKAS CLASSES used to have their center?

Yeah thats a great happening area, though the buildings are old. Do you have any contact to speak to?

Man, I have to get this done before 1st Sept. It's pay-back time for the family.



Member since: Jan 09
Posts: 125

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-08-09 13:22:46

Hey Vj

l dont rem exactly color of buildings..
but yea its happenin place...
and lt looks old from outside..but it had good spacious room inside and clean too...
l dont rem exactly the flats numbers ...but they were quite good and interior were nice too..

l will try to check out if i can find the contact info...cant promise tho..

good luck ..n enjoi sev usal, samosa, pani puri, dabeli, .........list goes on ..

Member since: Jul 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-08-09 13:50:46

Fly-over in Vadodara?? That is news to me?

Where is this flyover being constructed? The area near "Kadak Bazaar" - Station was very congested even 10 years ago. Things may have gotten worse now.

Member since: Mar 04
Posts: 441
Location: Mississauga-Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-08-09 14:51:59

Hey Meghal,

I did think about you, while I wrote it. its being constructed in Sayaji Gunj and would connect the old Bhimanath temple road to the JETALPUR bridge. I have lived in that area for 30 years and yes its one of the most un-livable areas in Vadoadara now. It used to be one of the most happening areas before few years. VADODARA has become "KHADODARA" (city of KHADAs, he he). My wife and the little one were at this place for week, before they headed for BHUJ and my son already developed signs of Eczema (skin alergy).

So before I reach in Sept mid, I would like to move all of them to a new area such as Alkapuri, Vasna Rd, Illora Park etc. but with a short term lease as after our departure from India, My parents are gonna go back to their temple (I understand their feelings).

See, if you can find some link. We may have so many BARODIANs live in Toronto with vacant houses back home. They may come forward and help us out.

Just to give an idea, I tried to get a deal for 15 days from one of the EXPRESS GROUP hotels, it is coming to Rs. 120,000/15 days (2 delux rooms), $3000 (I can spend this somewhere else).



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