CD's do we have to fill the following forms and be ready before seeing the officer in the airport?
Landing Forms :
Application for a P.Resident Card IMM 5444
Supplementary Identification IMM 5455
Fees Receipt IMM 5401 (do we have to payonline before landing)?
Please don't bother about these forms. All you need to carry is your Confirmation of permanent residence document and an address where you can receive your permanent residence card. It is also recommeneded to carry 2-3 spare photographs of each member just incase the immigration officer needs it.
Thanks pkalra
On this site i have read 2-3 articles about people who have shared there landing experience...I find the articles excellent/informative, but they are old.
Is there anyone who can share his latest landing experience?The objective is to compare whether the procedures have changed or not.
I want to know information like :
1)- Does a new immigrant fill some papers on the plane when he is on his way to Canada.If yes then want type of papers are they?
2)- What is the IMM code of "permanent residence document" form(eg. IMM 2344,IMM 4655 etc.)?
3)- Will i receive "Confirmation of permanent residence document" from the concerned authority... b4 moving to Canada?
4)- i have seen alot of people talk about landing papers...Is "Confirmation of permanent residence document" = "Landing papers"?
5)- As "Pkalra" said that every member of the family should carry 2-3 photo's just in-case the officer requires it.What should be the size of the photo's, and how old should the photo's be (eg. 6 months old,2 months old etc.)?
6)-After landing which counter should a person look for?
7)- What type of questions can the officer ask?
8)- Which paper's should we show to the officer?
8)- If a person bring 50,000$ , then what is the best way to carry it?
9)- How much settlement funds do we need to show to the officer?
CD's i would love it if you guys can answer the question serial wise
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