I am landing at Toranto in March . I want to know information like :
1)- Does a new immigrant fill some papers on the plane when he is on his way to Canada.If yes then want type of papers are they?
2)- What is the IMM code of "permanent residence document" form(eg. IMM 2344,IMM 4655 etc.)?
4)- i have seen alot of people talk about landing papers...Is "Confirmation of permanent residence document" = "Landing papers"?
5)- As every member of the family should carry 2-3 photo's just in-case the officer requires it.What should be the size of the photo's, and how old should the photo's be (eg. 6 months old,2 months old etc.)?
6)-After landing which counter should a person look for?
7)- What type of questions can the officer ask?
8)- Which paper's should we show to the officer?
9)- If a person bring 15,000$ , then what is the best way to carry it?
10)- How much settlement funds do we need to show to the officer?
11) -Any other guidance
Thanks in Advance
Find below answers to your questions
1)All including new immigrants have to fill up the customs declaration
2)IMM 5292, I think...
4)Yes, COPR is the landing paper
5)If you had submitted photos with passports it is not necessary, in case you wish to keep as a precaution it should be within the last 6 months. Details of photo available at the CIC web site.
6)Don't worry about it, the officers at the arrival will guide you to the right counters
7)Only about the amount of fund you are bringing with you and about the Canadian address to which they should send you the PR.
8)Passports and COPRs
9)The best to get cashed fast is to bring Travellors checks with you, say for about 10K and the rest cash in CAD.
10)All what you are bringing (min . as per the guidelnes from CIC site, depending on no of members in family)
11)Read earlier posts in CD section Landing/Moving
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