Let truth be known about Modi

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Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-02-13 18:34:04

An excellent informative and analytical article. Personally, I do not like Jethmalani at all (as if he cares about my liking and disliking. Lol!) but this article is incisive and should upset my friend Puttoo ji and his acolytes.


Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 1096

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-02-13 21:49:08

OMG Jethamalani G has written an article about Modi .... what am i going to do now .... now you can call Modi as " Certified Secular by Jethmalani " ... but there is only one probelm here ...

Jethmalani G did not write at what stage he was "enlightened" about Gujarat riots becuase he himself had blamed the BJP for the riots and i quote him ...

"It is easy to say that Gujarat will not happen again. Why did he not raise a finger when Muslims were being killed for several days at a stretch? And, if he is so committed to Muslims as he claims, why did the party give a ticket to someone like Adityanath in Gorakhpur?"

Even though he was talking about Vajpayee the context is the same ....

Just in case you think i am pulling a fast one .... here is the link .....

You see i care too hoots about Gujarat riots or Modi's action .... but i feel my inteligence is challenged when some one tries to sell stories to me when all they are doing is planning a "homecoming" ....

Jethmalani G has seen the writing on the wall and needs a way in .....

Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-02-13 23:34:33

Originally posted by puttoo

OMG Jethamalani G has written an article about Modi .... what am i going to do now .... now you can call Modi as " Certified Secular by Jethmalani " ... but there is only one probelm here ...

Jethmalani G did not write at what stage he was "enlightened" about Gujarat riots becuase he himself had blamed the BJP for the riots and i quote him ...

"It is easy to say that Gujarat will not happen again. Why did he not raise a finger when Muslims were being killed for several days at a stretch? And, if he is so committed to Muslims as he claims, why did the party give a ticket to someone like Adityanath in Gorakhpur?"

Even though he was talking about Vajpayee the context is the same ....

Just in case you think i am pulling a fast one .... here is the link .....

You see i care too hoots about Gujarat riots or Modi's action .... but i feel my inteligence is challenged when some one tries to sell stories to me when all they are doing is planning a "homecoming" ....

Jethmalani G has seen the writing on the wall and needs a way in .....

I applaud your “intelligence”and “integrity” in linking what Jethmalani said against Vajpayee (Jethmalani had huge difference of opinion with Vajpayee) and then without any context linking it to Modi! Bravo and Congratulations. You have, in one shot decimated Vajpayee, Jethmalani, BJP and Modi. Lol! Lol! Lol!

I appreciate that you have never uttered a word against SIKH MMS under whom Tytler and many others accused for 4,500 SIKHS in two days ARE SERVING. Of course, SIKH being tiny minority cannot function as vote bank.

Hm….. Puttoo ji, I knew you would post some irrelevant link to accuse Modi and save your pay master Kangress. However, I never thought that you would make sucha irrelevant and remote connection. I appreciate your unflinching loyalty to Kangress. However, I thought you would spew some venom against Supreme Court which, though thoroughly corrupt and absolutely partisan under an islamist Aftab Alam, did not find Modi guilty.

Would you care to enlighten CD readers as to why Supreme Court and SIT did not find Modi guilty? Do you think that had you pleaded case in SC, Modi would have been sent to gallows for heinous crime against always-innocent Muslims?

Would you have been happy to prosecute Modi in Pakistan court?

Would you write to EU and UK who have found Modi NOT GUILTY ?

One last request. Would you enlighten us with your views about despicable ex judge and current peon Katju ?

Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 220

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-02-13 02:17:22

Another endorsement for Modi by Jamiat Leader but this leader was forced by so called secularists to clarify his statement to not to give cleanchit to modi for 2002..

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1233
Location: India.

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-02-13 02:00:31

In response to Katju's diatribe against Modi, in the same The Hindu newspaper, political analyst S.R.Shekar has raised the following points, for which there has been no satisfactory reply from Katju.
Shekar queries are
1)Prior to Gujarat riots, from 1947 till 2002, 235 riots have taken place in Gujarat, why single out Narendra Modi and 2002 alone.

2)In 1969, when Gujarat had Hitendra Desai as CM and Indira as PM at the Centre, the state saw a riot in which 5000 people were killed.

3)In 2002 Gujarat riots, of the nearly 1100 people killed, 254 were Hindus.

4) In Delhi 1984 riots, nearly 3000 people, all of them Siks were killed. This was real genocide. Still we saw Rajiv taking oath as PM. Many of the perpetrators are still roaming around in Delhi.

5) A few months back, we had the Assam riots where more than 400 were killed, even though it was the Congress which was ruling the state.

Why the English News media and their paymasters the Congress and UPA have got a fixation on Modi alone is anybody's guess. But it has boomeranged on them by giving Modi more publicity and popularity.

We could not forget the earlier occasion when BJP under Vajpayee were about the win the 1998 elections, the english news media said the same things about Vajayeeji, what they tell about Modi now. They said they BJP cannot win in 1998 and even if they, Vajpayee will not be "permitted" to become PM, as he was "communal" etc. etc.

They even "debated", which of the "secular" eligible candidates like I.K. Gujral or Jyoti Basu, with not more than dozen MPs will become PM. But Vajpayee and BJP shut their mouths. This going to happen again in the case of Modi.


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