Originally posted by .fb
I need a small clarification:
I completed 1095 days within 3 years and 2 months of my stay in Canada my question is do I need to mention my work experience,education,residence address for the past 4 years or just 3 years and 2 months as before 3 years and 2 months I was not in Canada.
What actually constitutes a School record for the kid?
Is it provided by the School in the form of letter? Please clarify.
You will be providing the details of his/her stay in Canada or the absense fron Canada in question # 9.
If your child was enrolled in any of the local school/s since the time of landing in Canada, you will be receiving a report card and a progress report from the school in which the child studied. If it is lost or misplaced, you might be able to obtain a duplicate of the same or a letter from the Pricipal stating that the kid attended the local school at his place from such and such a date, as a covering letter from him/her.
If it is from the KG, then a note from the teacher and who ever is in charge and a letter from the Principal of the school.
If the child did not make it to the KG yet, then NONE.