Can someone Pl share a good lawyers details for closing. and also a good home inspector ... Area vaughan, Thankyou !!!
Check your PM
Reiki Grand Master
Home inspector I will prefer a white / Gora /European. Please avoid Desi's as they know nothing.
Only choose a desi, if he comes with tremendous references.
Murali The Krishna.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Still looking for a good lawyer reference.
hello one ?
Please check your PM.
SS has sent you a PM. I am hoping that he has given you some references.
If not, try Lawyers are a dime to a dozen.
Good home inspectors are a problem. Even in Charcha, there was some good home inspector references. Please use the search option, if it is working !
Murali The Krishna.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Please check your PM.
SS has sent you a PM. I am hoping that he has given you some references.
If not, try Lawyers are a dime to a dozen.
Good home inspectors are a problem. Even in Charcha, there was some good home inspector references. Please use the search option, if it is working !
Murali The Krishna.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
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