Man, you're getting unnecessary worked up. Relax, dude! I admit from the bottom of my heart, you're more intelligent than us mortals, if that's the assurance you want. Here's it. A'ight?
If you think we are missing anything, then just compose what you think may help OP's friend/s. There's no point in questioning the motives and accountability of people that are genuinely trying to help. Just quoting us doesn't solve anything rather than making this thread yet another slugfest.
Have a glass of water, and chill-up. Summer's here.
Originally posted by febpreet
Have a glass of water, and chill-up. Summer's here.
Losing one's parent at a young age is a very shocking and tragic situation for the children. More so for the mother who has lost the bread winner of the family. She has to do all the domestic chores herself, rush to work and double up as bread winner. She has to keep all the "dhuk" to herself and not show outside. Otherwise the children too will be affected. The mother has to carry on like this at least for a decade till the children complete their education, find their employment and life partners.
Without taking into account any of these, just doing arithmetical calculation on dollars, doesn't look like a mature discussion at all.
Hold you gun right there.
I am dismayed by seeing the thread going violent.
Let me share some news to close things once and for all.
I was advised by a friend to make contact with a Canadian citizen who had come from the Gulf. I met her and learnt of the situation which I have said in my posting. Now, she is happy in India with the limited resources that she has. I talked to her and she knew nothing about food banks / welfare being provided in Canada.
Since I was in Canada for 9 years and know all the legal (again I am saying legal) systems available in Canada, I am proposing to her how she can live in Canada as a basic minimum. The Canadian constitution guarentees welfare / food banks to those who fall under the eligibility criteria. I am just proposing the life that she can have in Canada. Decision is hers.
No one is asking her not to work or not to find a job. But honestly, with 2 small children, and school being from 8-3, it will be a challenge to find work. I have been in this situation in 2002, and trust me, it was hard. All the job available was back breaking job at $ 8 an hour (and I was/am single). Esp. in Vancouver, good luck in finding a job.
In India, I earn almost close to a lakh but then I get Rs 145 credited into my bank account by the Govt. of India, each time I buy Gas cylinder at market prices. I donot deserve it (as I get high salary) but the govt. as a matter of principle gives it to me. There is nothing wrong / illegal in accepting that. many many people do that. So if any person, falls into the catagory of welfare / food bank receipt, then why should we bother. If Canada itself is giving Welfare / Food to its not rich citizens, why should we bother. The Welfare case worker will tell the family about all their rights and liabilities when giving her welfare.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Lot of people think that Canada will be doing this woman a favour by giving her welfare.
Canada is NOT stupid , they have a vested interest & long term plan. Whatever they give her, they WILL take it back from her kids, when they grow up in the form of exhorbitant income taxes , sales tax , property tax , University fees etc.
For a few yrs they will pay her & her kids. But when the kids grow up..they will do part time low level jobs & summer jobs & pay through their nose to pay HIGH university fees..this will keep the Universities running & the salary of professors running.
After they graduate they will find a job, where they will pay high income tax, CPP , EI etc. They will pay sales tax, property tax, fees,rent, mortgage, insurance etc etc ..wherever they go.
So they system & Canada will recover 10 fold back from her kids for whatever little they gave their mom..there is NO free ride in Canada, whether on welfare or otherwise..the HOUSE always wins !
Thanks Adam,
A very mature reply.
A single mother (with 2 children) may get $ 1147 monthly on Welfare. $ 900 will go off imemdiately on a rental unit (I forgot to add utilities + laundry = $ 800 + $ 100). The $ 900 is actually a rebate given by the Govt. to the landlord as the poor person canot save this and it goes to the landlord's pocket. What she actually saves is the $ 100 or $ 200 per month that she saves for the rainy day.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Originally posted by adamthorat
Lot of people think that Canada will be doing this woman a favour by giving her welfare.
Canada is NOT stupid , they have a vested interest & long term plan. Whatever they give her, they WILL take it back from her kids, when they grow up in the form of exhorbitant income taxes , sales tax , property tax , University fees etc.
For a few yrs they will pay her & her kids. But when the kids grow up..they will do part time low level jobs & summer jobs & pay through their nose to pay HIGH university fees..this will keep the Universities running & the salary of professors running.
After they graduate they will find a job, where they will pay high income tax, CPP , EI etc. They will pay sales tax, property tax, fees,rent, mortgage, insurance etc etc ..wherever they go.
So they system & Canada will recover 10 fold back from her kids for whatever little they gave their mom..there is NO free ride in Canada, whether on welfare or otherwise..the HOUSE always wins !
A Delhite in Toronto
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