Driving Schools

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Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 9
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-07-04 17:28:14

Hi Everybody,

I have a G1 and intend to take driving lessons for G2 road test . Any suggestions for good driving schools.

Any bad experiences..:(

Let me know.



Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 34
Location: GTA, TORONTO

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-08-04 18:03:00

I too need driving license, i have been driving back home from last 10 years. i came to toronto on 19th july 2004, can i drive a car without canadian driving license for few months?

and how do I go about getting a local driving license. can some one tell me the procedure and address of transport ministry?

Live and let live. Be vegetarian----www.goveg.com

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 69
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-08-04 19:32:56

In Canada we have a thing called telephone directory...
Look it up yourself.
Since you are PC literate, search the web !

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 34
Location: GTA, TORONTO

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-08-04 12:39:54

Thanks for focussing light on these.

Live and let live. Be vegetarian----www.goveg.com

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 319
Location: toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-11-04 13:04:43

I've surfed the web and gathered some info abt what the govt requires to get the G1. I called up young drivers of canada (school) and they said 799$ not including the govt fees. I really cant spend that much.

Can anyone recommend a school (from their experience) which just gives you practice and at the same time is reliable. I know I can read the book myself and memorize the signs and rules i dont need lectures.


smile ...

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 914
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-11-04 13:13:15

Orginally posted by michelle288

I've surfed the web and gathered some info abt what the govt requires to get the G1. I called up young drivers of canada (school) and they said 799$ not including the govt fees. I really cant spend that much.

Can anyone recommend a school (from their experience) which just gives you practice and at the same time is reliable. I know I can read the book myself and memorize the signs and rules i dont need lectures.


If you already know some driving, you should be able to get it for about $325 incl government (certification) fee. Will send you the name + contact number by PM........

Of course, you might also want to check out the classifieds on this website.

Hope this helps.

Member since: Mar 03
Posts: 2606
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-11-04 14:12:37

Orginally posted by michelle288

Can anyone recommend a school (from their experience) which just gives you practice and at the same time is reliable. I know I can read the book myself and memorize the signs and rules i dont need lectures.


As Crenshaw has written, you can get driving lessons for about $300 or less depending on how many lessons are you comfortable with. It costs about $25 per hour for each lesson. Do not try to take two hr lessons - split them into 2 and you will get better practice.

The advantage of taking classes (lectures) is not only that you learn the theory better than what you would get by simply reading the book, but a life long advantage will be reduction in insurance premium. the first time I took my car, I had not taken any lessons. I took the lessons, and gave the insurance company a copy of the certificate of having attended classes. The premium immediatley came down by $750 p.a. efective that day, which was about two months after my insurance started - so by paying $350 for the classes, I saved $ 625 in the very first year!



Advice is free – lessons I charge for!!

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