Hi. I recently bought a new laptop here in USA, and I am moving next month to Toronto. I bought the laptop on a BestBuy Credit. Will it be any hassle while bringing the laptop into Canada, at the customs? I intend to keep paying the loan from Canada. Would i asked to produce the purchase receipt at the customs?
Any suggestions?
Also, me and my wife are planning to fly from LA to Toronto. We will only bring along essentials like clothes, etc. We are selling our large items like furniture etc. For other smaller things like electronics, kitchen utensils etc, we were thinking of sending them through UPS/Fedex to us in Canada.
Now about the list of items, how does it fit into the picture. I mean, who do i hand the list to? At the airport at the time of landing, or to UPS/Fedex at the time of shipping?
And finally, I found 2 forms on the websites for the list. Which of these is the correct one to use for me:
1. http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/E/pbg/cf/b4/README.html
2. http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/E/pbg/cf/b4a/README.html
Thanks in advance.
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