Orginally posted by faisal
Orginally posted by ezrider
Does this 10,000 dollar limit hold for one adult, or for both husband and wife?
In other words, if husband and wife each bring 9500 CAD ( total 19000 CAD), do they have to declare the amount and sign the relevant forms? (as each adult is carrying cash below 10,000 CAD )?
CAD 10,000 is not a 'limit' as in the maximum amount of monetary instruments (cash, checks, stocks, bonds etc) that you can physically carry in to Canada. There is no limit on the amount of money you can bring into or take out of Canada.
It is the maximum amount the Canadian Government allows you to physically carry into Canada WITHOUT DECLARING it at the customs.
Please lookup:
I understand that, but is this limit per adult, or per group of 6 (or 10, or 100) people travelling together?
Regards - ezrider
Orginally posted by ezrider
Orginally posted by faisal
Orginally posted by ezrider
Does this 10,000 dollar limit hold for one adult, or for both husband and wife?
In other words, if husband and wife each bring 9500 CAD ( total 19000 CAD), do they have to declare the amount and sign the relevant forms? (as each adult is carrying cash below 10,000 CAD )?
CAD 10,000 is not a 'limit' as in the maximum amount of monetary instruments (cash, checks, stocks, bonds etc) that you can physically carry in to Canada. There is no limit on the amount of money you can bring into or take out of Canada.
It is the maximum amount the Canadian Government allows you to physically carry into Canada WITHOUT DECLARING it at the customs.
Please lookup:
I understand that, but is this limit per adult, or per group of 6 (or 10, or 100) people travelling together?
Hi Faisal,
That is an interesting question. As you are in Canada, can you please call the CBSA on their toll free number 1-800-461-9999 and let us all know the correct answer to your query?
Deal With Reality or Reality Will Deal With You
Hi ezrider,
I am not in Canada at the moment. If I had been, I would not have posted this question on the forum anyway. I always prefer to have first hand information from the sources. The website is not clear about this situation.
If we dont get a reply for this question b4 I am in canada, i will check it out myself form the 1-800 number, and post it on the forum so that others can benefit too
Regards - ezrider
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