OHIP coverage for spouse.

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Member since: May 05
Posts: 4

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-05-05 22:32:02

Hi fellow Members,

Thank you very much for reading my post.

I don't know where else I should go for help, advise on this problem. Here it is.
I'm in Canada on temporary work permitt since little more than a year. First time me and my wife got OHIP coverage without many problems. Our OHIP coverage was valid for only one year. After the expiration date we went to renew health cards to the nearest OHIP office.

During First visit OHIP issuing agent was talking very nice. She asked me do you like Canada. I said I like Canada but some day I want to my home country. She thought I am going back to my home country within 4 weeks and she issued my OHIP coverage valid only for 4 weeks and she locked my file on their system not to do any further renewals. I did not know at that about lock on my file. To renewing my wife's health coverage she asked us to come back with proof of address. So we returned home with my health coverage till for 4 weeks and I went to the TD Bank and added my wife name to my chekcing account.

We waited one week to recive a bank statement in order to renew my wife health card. Approximately after a week we recived TD bank statement with mine and my wife name to my home address.

2nd time we went to OHIP office to apply coverage for my wife. This time they
said you came late ( We went to OHIP office evening 5.30) and there is lock on your file , so come back before 4 PM. I have explained importance of OHIP coverage for my wife since she is 5th month pregnant and alredy she is two weeks late for her monthly doctor visit. I honestly belive they did't care my request. So we came back.

3rd time visited OHIP office around 11:30 am. This time lady at the counter looked at all the documentation and she said you need to bring a letter from your employer stating that you will be employed for 3 years with this company. I said I was not told about this during our last visit to OHIP office. If you come up with new reqirements during every visit, how do I know what are all documents we need to bring and again explained importance of OHIP coverage for my wife. This time also they did not care for my request. I was little nevers, scarred and angry. I requested to talk her manager about the problem. I also asked OHIP issuing lady that please give me in writting why my spouse medical is being dined. They did gave in writting with reason which are not TRUE. For example they have mentioned in the letter that I am going back to my home country as one of the reason for denying the health card renewals. In fact I have been in Canada since one year and I did not confirm my return in any manner at OHIP office. This time also they have sent us back with out renewing my wife's health card but with all the list document I need to bring during my next visit. Here is the list they have asked..

1. My Immigration document ( I have this document)
2. Bank statement + lease agreement ( I dont have lease agreement, we live in basment)

3. Letter from employer ( I have this document)

4. Identification document for my wife (Can she use her passport ?)

With all the above documents we went again to OHIP office at 5.30 PM. My file was unlocked and getting a day off from work is very difficult so we went at evening time. But they said your file is locked and come back before 4 pm and sent us back in two mins.

Is this is the way people and health are being treated in this country ? or this will happen only for Indians ? We paid $50 for doctor visit from collected money from home kiddy bank. Docotr suggested few tests and Ultra sound. I enquired the costs for these tests. Looks like $200 -300 are reqired for the tests. So we did not go for these tests hoping within few days my wife will get OHIP coverage.

My worest scare is that they will keep denying coverage by showing the reason that we are in the process of going back to my home coutnry. If they does this I want to take this issue to higher authority. But I dont know whoom to complain and even how to proceed on that. Just I dont want to give on this.

Any suggestion is greatly appriciated.

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