(1)Family Doctors and (2)Eyecheck up.

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Member since: Feb 03
Posts: 103
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-01-05 00:02:38


(1) Our Family doctor asked us to pay some ~150$ per year for 2 as other expenses for health care. Are we covered 100% by OHIP? or Are we supposed to pay some fee like this?

(2) Has OHIP completely stopped 'any' coverage for eyes?




Member since: Nov 04
Posts: 306
Location: Toronto, da BEST!!!

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-01-05 02:35:45

Who is ur family doctor?

To my knowledge, Havent heard of annual fees like these....
Can you elaborate on what are these other expenses ?

I know that certain procedures like prostrate tests are not covered by OHIP, and if price is an issue, it may be possible to get these done for free at some hospitals.

For eyes, someone i know just underwent glaucoma surgery at the Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga and all the physicians/eye surgeons pre and post operative costs as well operative costs were covered by the OHIP. It was FREE

Perhaps someone else can throw some light on why a doctor will charge an annual fee?

On another note, In GTA i have heard that getting the right doctor is a big problem, and if u find one, doesnt matter if u have to drive an hour for ur appointments, dont give him/her up.

Here's a litmus test to see if u have the right doctor ;) : "Every time u leave a doctors office, if u can smile and think that the doctor didnt cheat you or mislead you, and he knows what he is doing, then u have the right doctor"...

:p bison

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-01-05 10:35:22

1. I think you better ask the family doctor what the fee is about?

2. Routine eye examinations are not covered by OHIP if you are between the ages of 20 and 64 .


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Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 446
Location: CaNaDa

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-01-05 13:13:30

Usually opticians charge $60 to $100/ check up.
I dont know how n why ur family doc charge /year? will he do check up or will he send u to some optician???

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Member since: Feb 03
Posts: 103
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-01-05 07:31:03

Thanks guys,

The doctor is in North York. 'She' was referred to us by someone.
There aren’t any health issues as of now with us. Just regular flu once.
The litmus test as mentioned by Bison proves that we are happy.

However, last time when we entered for an appointment, the receptionist gave us a form (before doctor came in) saying that you 'will' have to pay $150 as 'block fee' for covering following services for complete on year:
1. Consultation on phone (regular fee for one consultation: 10-15$)
2. Additional notes (regular fee 10$)
3. Faxes (don’t know what it meant-10$)
4. And some other list of services, some even for 25$ per one time.

On discussion with doctor she also mentioned, 'we are asking all our patients to pay this fee, however, if you're not covered by your employer or are not comfortable with paying, you may choose not to'

Of course we chose not to pay, however I am not sure if this could have created a 'conflict of interest' situation for the doctor.

Thanks, The pdf for eye examination gives a clear insight for eye examination. She has given us contact information of an optician in area who charges 85$ for eye examination.



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