How are engineers doing?

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Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 859
Location: At my desk

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-09-05 09:51:53

Just curious.

I think we agree that amongst all, relatively speaking it is easier to get a job in IT.

Even many engineers are in IT(like myself). I never even tried to look for a job in engineering.

So here are some questions:

What is the scene for engineers on an average. Do we have engineers here on this board, who are working in pure engineering jobs like manufacturing/design/maintenance etc.?

How many engineers managed to get a job in their field of expertise without getting a Canadian degree?

It would be interesting to hear experiences of those who have been able to do that.

What is the job like? What do they think about their Candian colleagues and co-workers? Do the Canadians have the same level of knowledge and depth of understanding?

Also, any others non-IT, on this board who are in decent jobs? I am not talking about self employed people or entrepreneurs. After IT, is accounting the next easiest field to secure a job in?

What are the average salary levels in fields other than IT?


The Cynic

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 2025
Location: State of Denial

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-09-05 11:41:46

I am an engineer who worked in that field for not more than 6 months.
Have been in IT ever since. You know my situation.

One case I know (the guy who went for the co-op) was a Guy from Nepal who had studied (AIT) and worked in Thailand. He could not find a job for 2 years. Applied to various places for further studies. Took the better of the two places where he got accepted, Kansas St U, USA and Ryerson. He was rejected by UoT.

In his own circle of people did get jobs after doing Co-op or reeducating themselves. If I remember one guy even got a Job without doing either.
Which was surprising to me, because I thought Engineers have to
go through the licensing in Canada. I can get more details when I talk to him next.

Never talked about Salaries. I guess the important thing is to get a break.

There is one more guy who actually lives in the same appt complex as me and who worked at the same place as me. One of these days i will finally go meet him and ask him what he is upto.

I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.

Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 859
Location: At my desk

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-09-05 12:03:07

Orginally posted by mercury6

I am an engineer who worked in that field for not more than 6 months.
Have been in IT ever since. You know my situation.

Your situation surprises me indeed. You have experience with Oracle Apps and have still found it difficult to find a break. Have you got your citizenship? If yes, then have you explored the TN route? Or why don’t you try for H1B again?
Orginally posted by mercury6
In his own circle of people did get jobs after doing Co-op or reeducating themselves.

Isn’t co-op a part of studying? I mean, one has to be enrolled in a degree or diploma program to do that, right?
Orginally posted by mercury6
If I remember one guy even got a Job without doing either.
Which was surprising to me, because I thought Engineers have to
go through the licensing in Canada.

Licensing is different from going to school. IMO, while they say that a P.Eng is essential, I don’t think that really gets you anywhere in the real sense.

I have seen several Canadians, both white and non-white, who have graduated from Canadian institutions and got a job without necessarily having got their P.Eng, and those with a P.Eng have not got a better deal either.

Another question – What is it that P.Engs are allowed to do that non-P.Engs are not? Are there specific occupations that mandate P.Eng?

The Cynic

Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 508

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-09-05 12:08:55

What is the scene for engineers on an average. Do we have engineers here on this board, who are working in pure engineering jobs like manufacturing/design/maintenance etc.?

Not very encouraging! I am a product engineer with a degree in Manufacturing Engg and Diploma in Mechanical Engg.

How many engineers managed to get a job in their field of expertise without getting a Canadian degree?

I have six about six friends who graduated from Mac with Mechanical Degrees adn out of them only one has a decent pure engg job.
I know atleast three other guys who got an engineering job without any canadian degree but all in kitchener and cambridge.

"Progress comes from deviation".

On a side note if anybody finds my comments or posts offensive or irritating please ignore it and if that still bothers you; please write to me and I will demonstrate.

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 2025
Location: State of Denial

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-09-05 12:27:30

Orginally posted by DiogenestheCynic

You have experience with Oracle Apps and have still found it difficult to find a break. Have you got your citizenship? If yes, then have you explored the TN route? Or why don’t you try for H1B again?

No, no experience in Apps. I did go through the 1 month course provided by Oracle in India 2 years ago.
I am trying the TN. Hopefully something should materize by year end.


Isn’t co-op a part of studying? I mean, one has to be enrolled in a degree or diploma program to do that, right?

No, you can get co-op without being enrolled in a degree/diploma.
Thats what the guy was doing.

Someone who has actually gone through the Licensing/Pe thing can clarify
about the specifics or why they thought it necessary at all to go for it.

I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 2025
Location: State of Denial

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-09-05 13:34:35

I guess I forgot about another guy from Gujarat who was a mech engg.
Came here 2 years ago. Worked at my place for 6 months. He worked an unbelievable number of overtime hours. He was there everyday :) . I think he typified "Immigrant fervour". He did the millwight certification (?) got a job as a technician at around $20+ as a permanent employee with benefits and yearly appraisal.

He is seems contended. He went for something that was achievable to him with the least amount of effort/time/money reqd.

I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.

Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 859
Location: At my desk

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-09-05 16:14:51

Orginally posted by Azazf
Not very encouraging! I am a product engineer with a degree in Manufacturing Engg and Diploma in Mechanical Engg.

Not to sound intruding, but my impression was that you were doing reasonably well.
Are you working as an engineer or in some other area?
Orginally posted by Azazf
I have six about six friends who graduated from Mac with Mechanical Degrees adn out of them only one has a decent pure engg job.

Did you also graduate from Mac?

Any idea what are the others working as?
Orginally posted by Azazf
I know atleast three other guys who got an engineering job without any canadian degree but all in kitchener and cambridge.

Are they are grads from India or elsewhere? How does it matter where they got jobs? I am sure desis in need of jobs would give priority to location over the job itself.
Orginally posted by mercury6
No, no experience in Apps.

Then? Didn’t you say you were on H1 in the US before coming here? I thought you had experience working in IT in the US? Or is that incorrect? And if you did, then what was it that you worked on?
Orginally posted by mercury6
No, you can get co-op without being enrolled in a degree/diploma.
Thats what the guy was doing.

Ok, now I know. Thanks for that.
Incidentally, any reason you didn’t go for the same co-op as your friend did? Also, maybe letting people here know which companies provide opportunities for co-op might be of help.
Orginally posted by mercury6
He did the millwight certification (?) got a job as a technician at around $20+ as a permanent employee with benefits and yearly appraisal.

Absolutely valid and correct.

Skilled trades are more in demand and easier to acquire. The salaries may not be very high, but they make good amount of money on OT. I have been told that a welder in my company makes almost C$85K pa, a large part of it coming from overtime work.

Not all Canadians want to become doctors/engineers/lawyers or go in such white collar professions. I have known several Canadians here who actually plan and desire to become millwrights and such after finishing high school.

Sorry for the questions. Feel free to ignore them if you so wish.

The Cynic

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