Elections during the Holiday season???????

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Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 2025
Location: State of Denial

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-11-05 13:07:02

In a few days we will know if there is going to be a no confidence motion.
Polls are conflicted.
The closest I have seen in from National Post where Libs - 31%, Tories - 30 %.

Is it time for the Liberal fatcats to go?

Stay tuned.

I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.

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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-11-05 11:36:07

Orginally posted by mercury6

In a few days we will know if there is going to be a no confidence motion.
Polls are conflicted.
The closest I have seen in from National Post where Libs - 31%, Tories - 30 %.

Is it time for the Liberal fatcats to go?

Stay tuned.

I believe Canadians should take lessons from Indians about dangers of an unstable government. Whether we like them or hate them, we need to give liberals a chance to complete their full tenure. Or atleast until second phase of Gomery report is out, when Paul Martin will declare election as promised (BTW, do politicians keep their promises :D:p ?)

Maybe Liberals may get sympathetic vote, as people may vote against Tories/NDP for dragging the nation into vote.

And I would not vote for Tories as long as Stephen Harper is their leader. I would not want that guy as our PM


Member since: Aug 05
Posts: 408
Location: canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-11-05 13:16:44

Looking like maybe in Feb abhi.
Not forgetting present oppostion blocking funding of immie settlement services.

hinglish zindabad

Member since: Aug 05
Posts: 408
Location: canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-11-05 14:11:07

OTTAWA -- Paul Martin's Liberals have rejected opposition demands that they call an election in the first week of January, a move that suggests the country is about to be plunged into a Christmas campaign.

After an afternoon of protracted bargaining, the three opposition party leaders announced that the Prime Minister must call a vote in January for a February election or they will trigger an election themselves next week. It's a manoeuvre that places the potentially unpopular decision to hold a campaign over the holidays and the loss of some popular legislation on Mr. Martin's shoulders.

\"We all agree that we will support a New Democratic Party motion that will ask the government to call an election the first week of January, 2006,\" Conservative Leader Stephen Harper told a dinner-hour news conference yesterday.

That motion will be presented tomorrow, provided the Liberals permit it to be introduced on a scheduled Conservative opposition day. If the Liberals don't agree, the motion could be delayed until a Bloc Québécois opposition day on Thursday.


\"If the government refuses to debate the motion, or refuses to accept it if it's adopted, with the support of the New Democratic Party we will present a motion on non-confidence the following week,\" Mr. Harper said.

That no-confidence motion is likely to come on Nov. 22 or 24, which would normally lead to an election in the first or second week of January.

Mr. Martin has said he will call an election within 30 days of the release of the final Gomery report into the sponsorship scandal that is expected Feb. 1. He rejected a request from NDP Leader Jack Layton last week that he voluntarily move that ahead to January.

Liberal House Leader Tony Valeri said that there is no need to advance the election date promised by Mr. Martin ahead by a month.

\"For the sake of eight weeks, families will be interrupted by candidates campaigning on their doorstep through the Christmas season,\" Mr. Valeri said last night.

\"For the sake of eight weeks, the least wealthy amongst us will not receive an energy rebate cheque worth as much as $250 because of the opposition's actions. For the sake of eight weeks, our soldiers will not receive a scheduled pay raise because of opposition actions. Our seniors will not receive an increase in their pensions. Our cities will not receive a boost in their funding for transit and better roads, because of the opposition's actions.\"

\"For the sake of eight weeks, our farmers will not benefit from increased assistance that was due to flow,\" Mr. Valeri said.

Mr. Harper said the government would have the opportunity to work on all of those things if it commits -- in writing -- to hold the election earlier.

\"If the government wants these things done, if it wants to avoid a Christmas election, this will give it an opportunity,\" Mr. Harper said. \"If the government just wants to have an election now and isn't at all concerned about that then it will reject this proposal.\"

The Bloc Québécois is currently filibustering a point of privilege entered by Liberal MP Denis Coderre and could continue disrupting the House of Commons. But the Bloc will agree to end the disruption if the Liberals will ensure -- again in writing -- that the four opposition days scheduled for this week and next are not moved.

The Liberals could respond by proroguing the House of Commons but they would then have to explain that decision to Canadians in light of the assertion that they are working on a full agenda of important legislation.

If the Liberals were to prorogue or delay the opposition days, \"it says they are terrified of an election,\" Mr. Harper said.

The Liberal minority has been able to hold onto power with the support of the NDP, despite the Conservative contention that the findings of inquiry into the sponsorship scandal took away its moral authority to govern. Mr. Layton withdrew that support last week when the Liberals refused to take steps that met his satisfaction to stem the expansion of private health care.

\"New Democrats are here to get things done for people. We've shown it. We mean it,\" Mr. Layton said yesterday.

\"And I'm encouraged that the first step that the opposition will take is to put forward a common-sense compromise.\"

The opposition wants the election sooner rather than later because they do not want to give the Liberals an extra month of unofficial campaigning using government jets and handing out voter incentives. The opposition parties interpret the economic statement that is being released today as a form of electioneering.

They also had anticipated with some relish the opportunity of holding a campaign at the same time the second report of Mr. Justice John Gomery into the sponsorship-program spending was being released.

Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe noted that, on the weekend, Liberal ministers such as Jean Lapierre and Pierre Pettigrew had dared the opposition to defeat them if they want an election, and dismissed their push for a January election.

\"Mr. Lapierre said 'Put up or shut up?' Well that's where we're at,\" Mr. Duceeppe said. \"The ball is in their court.\"

With a report from Timothy Appleby

When might we vote

An election must be held on a non-holiday Monday after a campaign of at least 36 days. According to the opposition plan, a no-confidence vote triggering an election could happen on one of several dates:

The opposition could decide the Liberals rejected their proposal, and go ahead Tomorrow with a no-confidence motion that would trigger a vote Dec. 27.

The Conservatives could put forward a motion Nov. 22 to defeat the government, triggering an election Jan. 2.

The Conservatives may have a second opposition day Nov. 24. The Liberals can defer that vote until Nov. 29, leading to an election Jan. 9.

A confidence vote on a government money bill is scheduled Dec. 8 and a defeat could trigger an election Jan. 16.


'If the government wants to avoid a Christmas election, this will give them the opportunity'


'New Democrats are here to get things done for people. We've shown it. We mean it'


'For us, it's been clear since last spring that the government doesn't have the moral authority to govern'

Link hai


hinglish zindabad

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 2025
Location: State of Denial

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-11-05 21:23:28

Orginally posted by transmogrifier

Looking like maybe in Feb abhi.
Not forgetting present oppostion blocking funding of immie settlement services.

I heard about that.
What is Martin proposing?

I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 2025
Location: State of Denial

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-11-05 18:25:44


With Paul Martin's minority government facing the threat of defeat within days, Finance Minister Ralph Goodale has introduced a package that combines voter-friendly income tax cuts along with corporate tax cuts and new spending on education, immigration and trade.

Appearing in front of the House of Commons finance committee Monday, Goodale presented what the government insists on calling an \\\"economic and fiscal update,\\\" though it contains the kind of spending commitments traditionally seen only in budgets.

They include:

* An immediate $500 increase in the basic personal exemption, which leaves more money in the pocket of every Canadian taxpayer.
* An immediate drop of one percentage point in the lowest personal income tax rate, from 16 per cent to 15 per cent.
* A plan to restore corporate tax cuts dropped last spring as the price of NDP support in the House of Commons.
* A $2.75-billion boost in post-secondary education aid over the next five years, as well as a $1-billion higher education innovation fund and $2.1 billion more for university research funding.
* $3.5 billion more for workplace training programs.
* A promise of $1.3 billion more over five years to help immigrants settle in Canada.
* Just more than $1 billion over five years for trade supports.
* An extra $100 million over five years to help bring broadband internet service to remote communities across Canada.


Wah bhai wah, yeh to ekdum desi move......election time coming, pm announcing many measures , nahi to khamoshi.

I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.

Member since: Sep 05
Posts: 132
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-11-05 15:12:11

1 million here, 4 million there, 2 BILLION over there... And where exactly are all these dollars coming from if taxes are being cut? :confused:

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