Thanks for your reply - I only post messages that have genuine content and may be of some use and when I reply to other peoples questions I only do If I have something worthwhile for them. I certainly didn't intend to contravene the rules but have seen plenty of senior desi who are realtors, financial planners, mortgage brokers blatantly advertising their services by placing their full link and contact details so I did the same.
I do own onestopimmigration which I believe to be an excellent source of information and is totally free to access by anyone in the world. I add as much info as often as I can but this is a spare time project with the main aim of providing great information to anyone considering immigration. I have had to go down the route of text ads and some relationships with companies in order to help pay the costs of owning and running the site - no doubt the same as the ads on Canadian Desi. I don't sell any of the information I research - it is all there to be accessed for free.
I added the post about currency transfer because I hadn't seen anything else on the charcha about a massively important subject that has a direct bearing upon the settling funds of a newcomer and is easily overlooked. I choose to work with HIFX because they are a multinational company that is renowned for great customer service - I move my money through them. I didn't name them directly in the first post to avoid the direct advertising but added a link to the page with the description on after the post by Aashu. All I had initially was the link to my homepage in line with others who post on the Charcha.
As I've said in the text above, my main focus is to provide great, accurate information. At no point do I want to disrespect the rules of this or any forum as they are a vital source of information for everyone.
Hope that clears things up
Best Regards
Am in a hurry to leave for office, but will give a short post.
1. I too provide currency transfers - and I do it on my own, not through a separate broker - but I do not advertise it through charcha since I do not run it as a business, but rather a social service. And I can challange that I will give better deals than such broker on any given day.
2. The guys who have put full details about their web-sites and services have done so first by providing a lot of input, explanations etc. not only about the subject they deal in, but also provided help in other sectors of life, including physical help in organising CD meetings, picnics, and other matters of common interest.
Here you are only on your 13th post, out of which some are advertisements, and others are links and you say you are providing a great service? You have not even given actual examples of how a person could save money in international transfers - actual physical examples like what would be the spread one can expect from good dealers vis-a-vis a bank or other agencies like Western Union - and a similar thing is also pointed out by Raj.
Think again and if you want to help, first provide good examples and good advise - don't just send links.
Advice is free – lessons I charge for!!
Orginally posted by chandresh
Even the link for Hifx from Onestop is a derivative the same business venture. Anyone who goes to the site through Onestop would be indirectly benefitting Onestop.
"Progress comes from deviation".
On a side note if anybody finds my comments or posts offensive or irritating please ignore it and if that still bothers you; please write to me and I will demonstrate.
So does this mean that Anyone who goes to the site through canadiandesi would be indirectly benefitting canadiandesi(sites like,, real estate name just a few)?
If thats the case then whats the problem yaar?
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