I am Landed & Immigrant of canada. My employer form the US filied my H1-B visa with fast track method ($1000 extra). My question is:
1) I heared any Canadian Landed & Immigrant can only work for Canada. If they work for USA or some other countries there Landed & Immigration is cancelled right way? Is it true?
2) What kind of question there are asked when you go & get a visa from US consulate?
Anyone who will answer these question, I really appricates his/her time?
Thanks a lot
Yes a landed immigrant can work in US on H1. It is imperative that you need to file taxes both Canadian and US. You hardly pay any thing so nothing to worry about it.
One more thing you can do is maintain you status of ur PR in Canada by having some utilities or lease on ur name and when you travel by Land there is no entry or exit record's in your passport.
Only the first time you will have your I94 and passport stamped by the immigration. Afterward's travelling by Car there is no records. This way you work in US but can still show that you are in Canada by providing the bills if necessary.
Thanks for your reply, The US conusulate will stamped H1-B visa on my passport. But when I will drive back to canada on the border the canadian authorities can see the H1-B visa stamped on my passport, and they can disallow me to enter into the canada.
what usually the US conuslate stamped on passport?
Is it says H1-B visa or something else.
Thanks for your time
Hi Baljinder,
Usually Canadian immig counter's while entering into Canada deos not look into US , visa. They ask you where are you going and you can say that you live in Canada. If they as you what did you do in US, then U can say that you came to attend some party or meet some freinds.
If they ask about H1 you can still say that you work in US and commute to work everyday, its legal. Lot of people do that way.
One thing you need to take care is the car, its better if its a rental car, but if you have your car then it must be registered with Canadian registration plate.
I am going to pursue the H1-B visa. In Canada the job market is not that good? Thanks for you time and suggestions.
Again, Thanks a lot
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