Originally posted by Aashu
yes, pl pm me your phone no. (as my PM is not working).
You should check you message box and see how many messages (in/out/deleted etc.) you have in your box - also the ones sent out by you but not picked up by the receipient. There is a limit to each member and if you have reached that limit, you will not be able to send out any PMs. You have to delete all or the unwanted ones and bring down the number of messages. I think the limit is 50.
By the way, long ago you had sent me a message it seems without any topic - I do not know how it reached my inbox. However, I am not able to retrieve it since there is not topic and seems the only way to retrieve a message is to click on the subject line. Can you please go in your outbox and delete that message atleast (since we have met after that - it was for the potluck you had organised at your place).
Originally posted by chinubabu
The site is
Actually I also wanted to do this program but it is very far from Vaughan where I stay.
In which field you want to work
It is a program which has both the good and bad in it.
While the good is obvious - getting a volunteer job, which may turn out to be a regular job or can lead to a regular job with 'Canadian Experience'. However, the bads are:
1. The length of the program - 5 months is a LOOOONG period - ofcourse not when you have already been trying for over two years (but then after having wasted two years, each extra month is even more painful - emotionally and financially!)
2. The timings of the classes - with only one centre which is at far end of Miss., it is not approachable easily to everyone and to attend the classes, I have seem people leave home around 6.30am and reach home around 7 with no energy left to try out something else on your own.
3. The employers who offer this co-op prog - some of them are real crooks and take you for a ride. They get their work done for free - and then it is very easy to say that either they do not have any vacant positions or your skill set does not really match what they were really looking for. Yes there have been success stories - but I have heard of the negative aspects of this too. Well, it will happen in any volunteer program, but then 5 months is too long to finally find you were the unlucky one.
4. As the program itself says, it puts you at lower positions only - to get your foot in the door. But little do they realise that once you get in a very low level, it is very difficult to rise - simply because your supervisor is junior too and does not have the knowledge to realise your potential (and worse, afraid of you taking his position)
In fact, in the meeting in Regina for foreign trained professionals, we had discussed this program and we were all of the opinion that this is too long a prog. No one needs such a long period to understand the resume building and communication education - nor does an employer need such a long time to judge your working.
Compared to that, the Mentoring program run by Maytree foundation (a sub-set of TRIEC) is a better option where they put an immigrant as a mantee to a mentor who is usually of the same field as the mantee and has not only the network, but also a keen desire personally to help the immigrant settle down in a good job. These are people who volunteer to help new immigrants and are ready to pay back to the society what they have received from it. I went through this program and got a job.
Also, one can enter this program in his own area - toronto, Peel, York.
My two cents.