Do you mean they have info on all flights or only flights originating in Canada. So suppose I live in Windsor and work in Detroit, now once a month I go to meet my family in Dallas for extended weekend and fly from Detroit. Do you think CIC inspector has access to record of Detroit to Dallas flight ?
What I gather with my limited network is with the flights originating out of Canada.
Incidentally do you know that when you are on social welfare you are not allowed to travel. Many a times people on social welfare(typically from the Caribbean) book tickets from Toronto on short holidays, the immigration gets a flight manifest and they get picked up by police right before boarding onto the plane at the Pearson airport.
Speech by Thomas Friedman of The New York Times....
"When we were young kids growing up in America, we were told to eat our
vegetables at dinner and not leave them. Mothers said, 'think of the
starving children in India and finish the dinner.' And now I tell my
children: 'Finish your maths homework. Think of the children in India
who would make you starve, if you don't.'"
Can Anyone tell me a good desi lawyer so I an talk to him. I couldnt find Mr.Masood address?
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