Hi all
Could anyone let me know what is the format for the lists of goods. What i have understood from the previous chats is that we have to produce two lists.
List of goods which are accompanying
List of goods which are to Follow.
Is there any specific form for these lists ? If yes then where to obtain these lists from.
If their is any particular format then can anybody give me the format of the List.
Thanks in Advance.
Manjeet Singh
Read my reply here:
Orginally posted by Manjeet
Could anyone let me know what is the format for the lists of goods.
Hi shibu is the list same for both goods accompanying and goods to follow?
Manjeet Singh
I guess so. But I submitted only the 'goods to follow' form since I didnt have any dutiable items with me while I landed. Remember to carry 2 copies of each list- one will be given back to you by customs after stamping and other will be kept for their records.
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