Oakville G2 test tips/experience

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Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 131
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-07-07 15:57:53

Originally posted by frnd

Hi guys,

I have my G2 driving test in Oakville next month (trying to get early date). It will be great if one can share any good/bad experience for this test center.


Hi frnd, it seems you dont want to share your experience. Dont shy away from your results. In every aspects there is a learning.
If good share the dos's if bad share the dont's...

Thanks for sharing


Member since: May 07
Posts: 239
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-07-07 10:17:21

Originally posted by pksatpathy

Originally posted by frnd

Hi guys,

I have my G2 driving test in Oakville next month (trying to get early date). It will be great if one can share any good/bad experience for this test center.


Hi frnd, it seems you dont want to share your experience. Dont shy away from your results. In every aspects there is a learning.
If good share the dos's if bad share the dont's...

Thanks for sharing

Hey pksatpathy,

I am not shy and wanted to share my exp soon after my exam but I couldn't, sorry for that.
I passed my G2 exam from Oakville :cheers:

Thanks to chittesh for his suggestions, especially no. 7 ;)
I want to add few things:

1. If you are using you instructors car please make sure you know how to unlock passenger side door as you have to unlock it for examiner. I never tried that and at the time of exam I was little confused as I was not sure from where to unlock the door.

2. When examiner checks break light and side lights from rare, turn your head and keep eyes on him/her. He/she will sign you to change the left and right side lights.

3. I missed scanning of one railway crossing.

Thanks all.

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 57
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-07-07 22:45:15


When turning left at a signal light, when you are waiting in the middle, waiting to turn left, waiting for the incoming traffic to pass. Your steering wheel SHOULD NOT BE TURNED TO LEFT SIDE. IT SHOULD BE STRAIGHT.

Over the years we have all developed some bad habbits. At a STOP sign
we just slows down, IT IS NOT ENOUGH. Vehicle should come to a complete
stop, count 1001,1002,1003. Then you proceed.

Like many things in Canada - driving is also "DRIVING + A BIT OF ACTING"

We have driven on roads with gutters, pedestrians, chickens, cows, bikes, etc etc. all coming against us from left, right & center, so don't worry, we have passed those road tests with flying colors.

Best of luck.


This is for those who are trying for their licence.

Share what u know, Learn what u dont

Member since: Jun 08
Posts: 7

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-06-08 21:22:17

I just did my test today and I embarrassingly have to admit I failed. I failed for the reason poster #2 mentioned as well.

I had a blonde woman as my examiner and I have to say that I've never met anyone so mean without reason, ever...

She stated that I didn't observe my surroundings enough even though I distinctly remember I was looking around like a siren just because I remembered someone telling me too. Then she mentioned I didn't look left and right at railway crossings, which is true (I should've read these posts before) and that I was going too slow sometimes.

I guess my Indian instructor was at fault because he NEVER mentioned these aspects at all so I didn't even know what to expect. I'm taking the test in 10 days again and I'm pretty sure I'll pass it this time...:cuss:

Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 50
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-06-08 12:45:12

Can someone please describe the route they take for the G2 Exit test at Oakville? Thanks.

Member since: May 07
Posts: 239
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-06-08 14:02:32

Originally posted by Seema

Can someone please describe the route they take for the G2 Exit test at Oakville? Thanks.

Make sure you keep all the points discussed in this thread (including general rules) and you will be okay.

Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 50
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-06-08 15:18:35

Originally posted by frnd

Originally posted by Seema

Can someone please describe the route they take for the G2 Exit test at Oakville? Thanks.

Make sure you keep all the points discussed in this thread (including general rules) and you will be okay.

Thanks for the reply. I had few questions. Really appreciate if some can answer them, even if the questions may seem silly to the experienced drivers.

There is a place marked with "School Sign" and right beneath the sign the speed limit is shown as "60". What speed should be maintained there 60 or 40?

Do they take you on 403 or QEW?

How busy are the highways during the afternoons?

Any tips on the parallel parking. I had done it successfully during my G1 exit test, but after that never had any chance to practice it. What are the chances that it will be asked?

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