Oakville G2 test tips/experience

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Member since: Jun 10
Posts: 58
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 31-05-10 22:20:26

Here are some road test videos and a checklist for the G licence.

http://www.passthewheel.com/practiceTestQuestions/canada/ontario/g1/free_online_road_test_checklist.asp" target="_blank">http://www.passthewheel.com/practiceTestQuestions/canada/ontario/g1/free_online_road_test_checklist.asp</a>

Anyone have experience with All Star Driving School in Richmond Hill ?

http://vintagewinepicks.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">Vintages Wine Picks & Reviews - High Quality, but Affordable Wines

http://www.teachmewell.com/" target="_blank">Maths Practice Online - Kids 5-10 Years

http://www.passthewheel.com/practiceTestQuestions/canada/ontario/g1/ontario-g1-practice-test.asp" target="_blank">Ontario G1 and M1 Practice Test

test fright   
Member since: May 10
Posts: 5

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-06-10 17:33:38

hello readers

I passed my G2 test today!!! :D
Without any exageration this thread was a big help, especially the pointers and help of fass2008 - so thank you!! much appreciated!

fass2008, my route was slightly different, after the left from the first signal, we did not turn left at stop sign, instead kept going straight and then into the residential area on the right ....which is much more curvier and uphill/downhill than the other. I did not get any railway crossing, and later entered the test center from the right.
my examiner did not make me do parallel parking at all :clap: , instead he made me do reverse parking at the very end.

I'll just add a pointer to the already great list of pointers in this thread -

the residentiaal area i got did not have a pavement or proper corners nor curbs, so just be careful when parking, and 3 point turns, do not step on the gravel and also in such palces, (where there is a small ditch along the right side) when parking you should always turn your wheels to the right wheather it uphill or downhill -

all the best

Member since: May 08
Posts: 431
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-06-10 18:16:31


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Member since: Sep 10
Posts: 1

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-09-10 22:20:17

Hi All,

I just did my G2 couple weeks ago in Oakville and this is the route I was taken on as follow:
Coming out of the parking lot I was asked to back out of the parking spot than leaving the driving centre I took a right than on the first lights I took another right drove straight till the road ended where pavement ended as was asked to do a three point turn and than well they didn't tell me this but I figured and than I had to do parallel parking. Once I was done that he asked me to go straight through the light set and take a right on the stop, then I went till the road finished and than on the final stop went left and the roads were very much with sharp curves so shortly after he ask me to park uphill and than went back right on a stop to a light set and straight through and than left to the driving centre.
* Make sure you use the designated area to turn left *

Good luck everyone!!!
And go learn the area left and right cause you may be taken on a different route in that area.
I pretty much memorize the left area after reading all the posts but was taken to the right.

Member since: Nov 11
Posts: 1

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-11-11 14:04:28

Hi everyone-I just took my g road test today out of oakville and passed the first time. The instructor was very kind. We exited the test centre, going left towards ford - left on ford and right on the first residential street into a subvision where we did 3 pt turns, roadstop park and parallel park (which i completely messed up.) We came out of the subdivision, right onto Ford and then the QEW Hamilton - along QEW to Trafalgar - off at trafalgar and right back on taking QEW Toronto. Got off at Royal Windsor Drive - easy drive along there (watch speed I think it was 80), right at Ford Drive and then right at Cornwall back to test centre. Make sure to check mirrors all the time, watch speed limits and check blind spots. When you exist the test centre first top at sidewalk and then proced a little further out to see into traffic - use you emergency break, they love that. Also watch for railway tracks - don't stop, just slow down and look both ways. Good luck to everyone.

Member since: Jun 12
Posts: 1
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-06-12 19:35:27

hello folks

i gave my g2 road test today at oakville and i passed.test was so easy btw i practised a lot on that route with my instructor. that was my third attempt.first two times i went at etobicoke,i failed both times....bad luck.
i am so happy today.route is easy and simple ur instructor can tell u.
and yes my tip is to check BLIND SPOT every time u give a signal weather its turning and stopping,lane changing because this thing is more on a g2 test mark sheet.
good luck all.dont be nervous just relax.make sure u go to washroom before test and eat a mint gum.it helps relax you.thats what i did today.

Member since: May 13
Posts: 1
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-05-13 19:15:18

I'll be doing my g2 next week in oakville. My instructor told me that there's no more rear parking. Is that so? He is not training me in that. Also what documents they ask you for other than your license if you take your own car? Do you have to show your insurance, ownership, etc? Pls i'll appreciate any info. I don't think I'll have time to go to check the area before the test. Is there any construction going on, are there schools? Thank you.

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