Hello, I am currently residing in USA, but don't have US Green card yet!
I have got my Canadian PR card on Feb 2006. I am planning to stay in USA for time being and at the same time I want to keep my Canadian PR Card. I don't want to lose my Canadian PR. Can you please advise me on how to keep my Canadian PR status valid, as am planning to enter Canada in 2010 Feb. My Canadian PR card expires in March 2011. Since Feb 2006, I have stayed in Canada for a week.
Experts, Kindly let me know your suggestions.
Originally posted by prasanth.bayarea
Can you please advise me on how to keep my Canadian PR status valid, as am planning to enter Canada in 2010 Feb.
"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."
-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"
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