we immigrated to canada in July 2002 ,will complete 2 years in canada this July .My wife is a doctor who gave all the canadian exams but still she is denied resedency in canada so she is moving to USA for her job. I will stay here with my kids to complete three years for my citizenship along with my kids.
What happens to my wife can she get her citizenship for canada ,is it the descrition of judge to decide in such cases where a person had the intention to stay here (giving all canadian exams working in warehouses and after seeing nothing is working here opts to go to USA and again has an intention of returning back to canada after complting her resedeny in states,kids and husband remained in canada during her absence.
Hi Mohanjeet,
I'm sorry I do not have many answers for you but I was just curious as to why your wife was denied residency in Canada after giving all the required exams? On the face of it...seems lke a waste for Canada. Maybe there is some information I am missing?
I think the rules are that you require to be physically present for a set # of days inorder to qualify for citizenship. I dont think the judge can do anything about this. However I am not sure of this and will let those who have more knowledge on the subject to answer you.
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