In my opinion, whatever one might finally decide to do in accounting and finance fields - one of the most important things today is to understand, and if possible, work in a company which has already adopted IFRS.
Canada will be turning to IFRS fully by 2011 and USA in 2015. I forsee a great scope for people who have knowledge of IFRS and practical experience.
For CPA, I understand that Becker offers classes in 8 or more cities in India. I did take those classes - and believe me, they do exactly what you want them to do for you - prepare you for the exams to be passed! Also it is great for a person like me who can neither study books on his own, and definitely cannot understand a thing on audio lectures while driving a car as Jonav's husband did.
And by the way.......I had sat for an exam after 20 years....and Becker helped me clear all the four papers in one go.
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