Disability amount transferred from a dependants

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Member since: Mar 08
Posts: 18

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-11-08 22:52:13

I filed for disability amount for my parents. CRA approved this but did not pay this amount and gave following reason.

\"The transfer of the disability amount from a dependant is possible only when the spouse or common-law partner of the person with the disability has not claimed the \"spouse or common-law partner amount\" (line 303), or \"amounts transferred from your spouse or common-law partner\" (line 326) for the person with the disability.\"

\"If the spouse or common-law partner of the person with the disability wishes to have his or her return reassessed to remove a claim at line 303 and/or line 326, he or she should make a request in writing. If the spouse or common-law partner of the person with the disability has their return reassessed to remove a claim at line 303 and/or line 326, you may resubmit your request for the transfer of the disability amount from a dependant.

Other details:

-Income of parents is zero for 2007.
-In my mother's return:
Line 303(Spouse or common-law partner amount) is blank.
Line 326 (amount transferred from your spouse or common-law partner) is 5177.00

-My father's return-I don't have copy of return and accountant who filed the return has left hte country.

-In my return:
Line 303 is 6.02
Line 326 is blank

-In my spouse's return:
Line 303 is blank
Line 326 is blank

Question: From above informations, please guide me what should I do now?

Thank you,

Pramod Chopra   
Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 1284
Location: Pickering, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-11-08 14:28:49

Originally posted by Jayant

I filed for disability amount for my parents. CRA approved this but did not pay this amount and gave following reason.

\"The transfer of the disability amount from a dependant is possible only when the spouse or common-law partner of the person with the disability has not claimed the \"spouse or common-law partner amount\" (line 303), or \"amounts transferred from your spouse or common-law partner\" (line 326) for the person with the disability.\"

\"If the spouse or common-law partner of the person with the disability wishes to have his or her return reassessed to remove a claim at line 303 and/or line 326, he or she should make a request in writing. If the spouse or common-law partner of the person with the disability has their return reassessed to remove a claim at line 303 and/or line 326, you may resubmit your request for the transfer of the disability amount from a dependant.

Other details:

-Income of parents is zero for 2007.
-In my mother's return:
Line 303(Spouse or common-law partner amount) is blank.
Line 326 (amount transferred from your spouse or common-law partner) is 5177.00

-My father's return-I don't have copy of return and accountant who filed the return has left hte country.

-In my return:
Line 303 is 6.02
Line 326 is blank

-In my spouse's return:
Line 303 is blank
Line 326 is blank

Question: From above informations, please guide me what should I do now?

Thank you,

Their letter is self-explanatory.

Your mother would have to forgo (remove the claim on line 326 on her return) her claim and have her 2007 return re assessed and then you have to have a T1 adjustment filed for claiming the disability amount by you and then CRA would do all the adjustments.

A couple of questions:

When did your Dad become disable? Is it 2007 or earlier?
Has your mother been claiming the disability for her in earlier years as well and not getting any thing because of her lower income? If that's the case, you may want to look in to earlier years as well and may end up getting the benefit transferred to you for earlier years as well.

Good Luck.


Pramod Chopra
Senior Mortgage Consultant
Mortgage Alliance Company of Canada

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