USA Disability question

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Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-14 03:21:41

I met one of my classmates in Chennai last week who is an American citizen living in USA. He is around 42 years of age and was an Architect. He is suffering from parkinson's disease for the past 8 years and has not worked in the past 8 years.
He was an Architect working for a salary of USD 40,000 - USD 65,000 from 1997 to 2006.
He said that he is living on disability insurance. He started crying, when asked some more questions so I had to leave the topic but he is living a comfortable life and says that he will not return to India as his medical / disability insurance is provided in USA. His wife is a software engr. earning USD 200, 000 a year (she is from IIT). He may or maynot be receiving financial help from his wife.

Now my question is :
USA has always been portrayed by Canada that if one does not have employment in USA, then he will be unable to afford medical care and that if the person is not a millionare that the medical bills will push one to bankruptcy. But then how is this person able to live comfortably in USA?
From my experience, if this person was in Canada, his medical bills will be paid by Ohip and he will be on disability insurance which can pay him a max. of $ 1000 to $ 1500 a month. Rent alone would cost him $ 800 in Canada. Also any extended health insurance offered by am employer would cease after his seperation from the employer unless this Canadian person was working for the govt. or a crown corporation.

Are we misguided about USA?

Replies would be appriciated.

Peace by Murali

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Oct 08
Posts: 174

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-14 11:37:53

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

I met one of my classmates in Chennai last week who is an American citizen living in USA. He is around 42 years of age and was an Architect. He is suffering from parkinson's disease for the past 8 years and has not worked in the past 8 years.
He was an Architect working for a salary of USD 40,000 - USD 65,000 from 1997 to 2006.
He said that he is living on disability insurance. He started crying, when asked some more questions so I had to leave the topic but he is living a comfortable life and says that he will not return to India as his medical / disability insurance is provided in USA. His wife is a software engr. earning USD 200, 000 a year (she is from IIT). He may or maynot be receiving financial help from his wife.

Now my question is :
USA has always been portrayed by Canada that if one does not have employment in USA, then he will be unable to afford medical care and that if the person is not a millionare that the medical bills will push one to bankruptcy. But then how is this person able to live comfortably in USA?
From my experience, if this person was in Canada, his medical bills will be paid by Ohip and he will be on disability insurance which can pay him a max. of $ 1000 to $ 1500 a month. Rent alone would cost him $ 800 in Canada. Also any extended health insurance offered by am employer would cease after his seperation from the employer unless this Canadian person was working for the govt. or a crown corporation.

Are we misguided about USA?

Replies would be appriciated.

Peace by Murali

This person is suffering from serious health issues and you want to poke your nose in his life to find out how he is living comfortably? Shame on you. He is having one issue but you seem to be having all kinds of mental issues. Just mind your own business and leave them alone instead of bringing their personal issues on a public forum. What are you going to gain with this information. If you have nothing else to do, go and dig the garbage you may find your eye glass there.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 1484
Location: Convinient

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-14 12:32:09

Please have some mercy on people with mental health . Its not just physical challenges that cripple a person .

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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-14 14:14:31

Reiki Grand Master

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-14 14:54:37

I am sure he has financial support from his family. It's not a smooth sailing in US for people with serious deceases in case they are not covered. You want proof? Here's the latest from a Hollywood actor Seth Rogen, whose mother-in-law has been suffering with Alzheimers. Go through his hearing in the US Senate, where he appeared just yesterday:

The truth is, despite having major breakthroughs in Science and Medicine, Alzheimer and Parkinson like deceases still have a high costs involved and with very low support system, especially in North America. I heard on the radio last evening that about 5 million people in US are suffering an excruciating but losing battle with Alzheimers. In another 15 years or so, the number could go up as high as 15-20 million.

May God bless people suffering with these ailments. It's tough.

Governments of the day really need to step up on the healthcare, instead of spending an arm and length on Arms, Amunitions, and all the deathly devices. They do have money - it's just the priorities.

A sensitive topic indeed.

Member since: Aug 05
Posts: 2245
Location: Woodbridge

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-14 14:58:27

Originally posted by AshwaniG

Please have some mercy on people with mental health . Its not just physical challenges that cripple a person .

So true.. :D


Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-14 14:58:29


This person is suffering from serious health issues and you want to poke your nose in his life to find out how he is living comfortably? Shame on you.

I am sure those were not his intentions. He just wanted to know (or curious) about the support system for the people with serious decease in US, while having heard all the Health Insurance horror stories in recent years.

Give guy a break. People are not that insensitive as we deem them to be. Especially, when we don't know them personally.

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